Monday, September 12, 2022

Midterms 2022: Gearing Up to Be the Nastiest, Ugliest, and Most Divisive Ever

From the very top on down the GOP line

Many serving in office right now

Democrats in office, or when seeking the majority, mostly talk about improvements and changes in social programs (healthcare, social security, education, and such) and things that make our lives better … the GOP conversely seldom if ever seek those things unless there are narrow and usually avoid positive social programs and changes like now as they seek to take the majority in 2022 and set out an agenda, in their own words and not mine, that is one of seeking revenge and placing more blame on others and mostly to get Trump back into power as this article from has in this stark headline:

“Republicans laying groundwork for January 6 probes to turn attention away from Trump and blame Nancy Pelosi”

Republicans are planning their own Jan. 6 investigations if they regain the House majority that will turn the focus away from Trump.

GOP lawmakers would use their investigative powers to examine security failures on January 6, while also recommending changes to the management and structure of U.S. Capitol security that would go into effect before their probes even began, reports Politico.

Harsh Reality from this “Hell Bent for Leather” GOP:

Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) says: I think it’s been very well-documented that there were significant intelligence and communications failures on Jan. 6. It’s not the first time we’ve had those issues. We have to stop that.”

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), who is leading the team that will issue a report later this year outlining those changes saying: We will make recommendations to the next speaker … on how to provide better leadership and oversight of the Capitol police.

They intend to remove Capitol metal detectors installed after January 6, which have resulted in fines for lawmakers who tried to get around them. They also plan to wide open the Capitol complex.

(NOTE: Making “open carry” a rule in Congress that will surely please the NRA and make Rep. Boebert (R-CO) overwhelmed).

They intend to open multiple investigations of House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), including her decision to allow CoVID-infected lawmakers to vote in person for House leadership, and to pin the blame on her for January 6 security failures, which her office dismissed as ridiculous.

Drew Hammill Pelosi’s Chief of Staff responded to that saying:Numerous independent fact checkers have confirmed that Speaker Pelosi did not plan her own assassination. The former president’s desperate and GOP lies aside, the speaker was no more in charge of the security of the U.S. Capitol on that day than was GOP Senate Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). 

My 2 Cents: Added to all that is Trump’s ongoing pledge to run on a “Campaign of Revenge” thus both sustaining a massive and seriously divided nation and congress – do we need that, want that? 

Seems the GOP radicals and their MAGA base sure does, but do rational level-headed Republicans? I hope not.

In the meantime do the research on others in the GOP like these in the House: Reps Stefanik; Gaetz; Taylor Greene; Gohmert; Gosar; Laudermilk; Hice; Perry; Roy; Jordan; Brooks; Biggs; Boebert; and speaker-wannabe Kevin McCarthy.

Or in the Senate like: Sen. Cruz; Cotton; Hawley; Ron Johnson; Blackburn; Paul; Graham; Scott (FL) and Scott (SC), and Mitch McConnell.

Or these running for office: JD Vance; Dr. Oz; Herschel Walker, and a few others totally unqualified and unfit. If they get into office with those already there or hoping to stay, that would surely doom us to the “Gates of Hell” itself.

I hope the voters are smarter than those radicals are. But, in these divided days, who really knows, so stay informed and watchful is my best advice.

Thanks for stopping by.

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