Sunday, August 21, 2022

Trump Teases 2024: Serious or Another Money-Making Con to Keep Base Intact

Nothing can stop me nothing at all

His eye's on this exclusive group

Read the following article at your own risk and with an open mind. Far too many of our fellow citizens will not believe one ounce of the truth in this article here from VozWire with this startling headline:

“Former Harvard psychiatrist says Trump is untreatable total psychopath. Says he could create a police state if he returns to power.”

Highlights from this fine article:

For the past five years, some of the world’s leading mental health specialists have attempted to warn the public that Trump was and continues to be a serious threat to public safety.

According to those experts, Trump appears to be a malignant narcissist, a pathological liar obsessed with violence, easily manipulated by the praise and other ego-stroking behavior, indifferent to the suffering of other human beings, anti-social and anti-human in his values and behavior, irresponsible and impulsive, and in laymen terms “a total psychopath.”

These mental health professionals warned that Trump’s numerous evident disorders will result in disaster and suffering for the American people and the rest of the planet.

They were nearly fully correct:

Trump destabilized and damaged American society and democracy. In reaction to the coronavirus outbreak, he took careless and imprudent decisions that bordered on open sabotage.

His decisions may have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans and a reduction in the average longevity of the population of the United States by several years due to his CoVID -19 inaction on top of his false and misleading “medical advice,” plus all this:

1. He manipulated a presidential election by collaborating with a hostile foreign power.

2. He attempted a coup, which included an attack on the Nation’s Capitol by his supporters known as January 6.

3. He was on the verge of destroying the American economy and presiding over a deeply corrupt dictatorship. Right-wing terrorism and various forms of political violence were inspired by and promoted by him.

4. He is the leader of a Republican political cult.

5. He was impeached twice for various crimes against the Constitution and the country, which is unparalleled in American history.

Rather than being publicly praised and rewarded for speaking the truth and trying to warn America and the rest of the globe, many of these mental health experts have received death threats and other forms of reprisal.

At least one of these truth-tellers, psychiatrist Dr. Bandy X. Lee, editor of “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” lost her job at a prestigious university, in part because she persisted to warn the public about Donald Trump and his movement’s growing threat to public safety.

Many Americans, including the country’s political leaders, would rather forget about Trump’s presidency. However, such acts of collective forgetting will not protect them from the Republican Party’s intensifying assaults on American democracy, which are spearheaded by Trump. Forgetting that mental health specialists foretold the Trump nightmare and everything it has brought about is a key component of this national amnesia effort.

Above all, Trump is incapable of allowing America or the rest of the world to forget about him.

Trump’s apparent mental illnesses motivate him to seek vengeance against those he perceives to be his enemies and those who he believes have harmed him.

Continue at the above link – worth your time to read it.

Also see my post below following this post.

My 2 Cents: All this is tied into Trump’s latest cat and mouse game of teasing his loyal base into believing he will run, or more likely just another of his infamous money-making cons regarding his probable run, or not, in 2024.

This banner is seen lately at many of his rallies:

Seen at many Trump rallies 

Not much more to add to the above fine article – except maybe to say wake up America and let’s repair our deeply divided nation collectively and “read and heed” the medical advice and contents about this man listed above.

The simple fact remains is that Donald J. Trump is unfit for office ever again for he surely is a “Clear and Present Danger.”

I’ll leave it at that.

Thanks for stopping by.


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