Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Trump to Classified Docs: Abracadabra You Are Now Unclassified Just Go Away

Trump learned from his own Fairy Godmother

Mar-a-Lago FBI classified documents search and seizure more details – now nearly every day since the August search warrant was served with this story update from The Hill with their headline (I boxed off key points that need emphasis):

“Trump held more than 300 classified documents after leaving White House”

Trump reportedly held on to more than 300 classified documents after leaving office, half of which were recovered in January by the National Archives, which alerted the DOJ in what eventually led to the FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago property on August 8, 2022.

The NY TIMES cited multiple sources who have been briefed on the matter that the sheer volume of classified-marked material recovered by the government is what triggered a federal criminal investigation into the former president.

The National Archives in January recovered 150 classified documents, while another set, which was also at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, was given to the DOJ in June by Trump aides.

Additional classified documents were then recovered in the FBI search earlier this month, now totaling more than 300 such documents.

The 15 boxes turned over to the National Archives earlier this year included CIA, FBI, and NSA documents involving national security, according to a person briefed (NY Times report).

Three days after the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago, The Washington Post then reported that some of the documents recovered in that search were related to nuclear weapons.

The NY Times also reported that authorities are seeking surveillance video of Mar-a-Lago leading up to the August 8 search in an effort to find out how some of the documents were being handled there.

An unsealed warrant executed at Mar-a-Lago made public days after the search revealed that federal authorities are investigating Trump for possible violations of the Espionage Act, among other statutes.

A property receipt of items seized by the FBI shows authorities recovered a trove of materials, including 11 sets of classified documents, some of which were marked Top Secret/SCI (the highest level requiring a secure location for such documents).

Worse is that Trump keeps insisting that he declassified the documents taken into custody by the FBI, but even if that’s possible he did so without following the proper protocols for such a step to declassify any of the documents.

Trump and the National Archives have been at odds since he left office in 2021 after the agency determined he was in possession of White House documents that should have been turned over to the government when he ended his term on January 20, 2021.

Plus this just in: But the argument from Trump that the documents are subject to executive privilege protections suggests those documents are official records – which he is not authorized to keep and should have turned over to the National Archives at the end of the administration.

Trump’s motion for a Special Master appears to show that he concedes that he violated one of the criminal statutes listed on the warrant used by the FBI to search his Mar-a-Lago resort resident –IAW: 18 USC 2071 – concerning the unlawful removal of government records.


Trump defiance of the DOJ on classified documents comes into sharper focus (The Hill article)

May 2022: My post same subject in the early stages

My 2 Cents: Short and sweet – Trump needs to be charged and prosecuted. This is a very serious matter and he must not be allowed to pull a Houdini and escape justice. Letting him skate justice would be worse than prosecuting him since no one is above the law.

That principle is the bedrock premise in American law and this type of crime threatens our national security – perhaps beyond repair since right now we simply do not know the damage Trump has inflicted, but I suspect it is massive – but, we shall see.

Stay tuned as I’m sure you will.

Thanks for stopping by.

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