Saturday, September 17, 2022

GOP Midterm Goal: Win on Platform of Chaos, Deceit, Hate & More Division

McCarthy leads GOP House full of 2020 deniers
(139 objected to one or two state EC counts)

Revenge is the GOP middle name and boy are they on a path of vicious revenge – cite this story from the Washington Post and earlier also from the Washington Post – with basic same subject and headline which is that a majority GOP Would Seek Revenge in 2022 while moving forward:

“From Afghanistan to Hunter Biden, GOP readies its investigations”

Short Intro: Roughly two months before midterm elections that may hand the GOP control of the House, McCarthy and other Republicans are well into mapping out an expansive list of probes that will translate the party’s grievances with Democratic policies and hot-button figures into investigative priorities.

McCarthy and House Republicans have pledged to investigate:

·  Hunter Biden’s business dealings and his art sales.

I note: What about Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner’s $2 billion loan or gift or whatever from Saudi Crown Prince MBS *the same MBS who many say ordered the gruesome murder in October 2018 of Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi journalist, dissident, author, and a columnist for Middle Eastern media and the Washington Post while he was in Turkey at the Saudi embassy getting a marriage license. 

Nothing there, um – what – just easy money no biggie?

·  HSD Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

·  The Biden withdrawal from Afghanistan.

·  The origins of the coronavirus.

·  Coronavirus-related school closures.

·  The administration’s deliberations over weapons sales to Ukraine.

·  The spending on the House’s January 6, 2021, investigation.

·  The FBI’s search of Mar-a-Lago for classified documents.

·  Investigation of the DOJ.

McCarthy tweeted to AG Merrick Garland the same day the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago basically threatening him saying: “Preserve your documents and clear your calendar.”

He was blatantly implying his intent to subpoena Garland over what McCarthy and most Republicans call: “The Justice Department’s intolerable state of weaponized politicization.”

McCarthy has been open about his ambition to ascend to the post of House speaker for years, since he lost out to Paul Ryan in 2016 who had taken over from then Speaker John Boehner who resigned in 2015. 

Now after four years in the minority, the two impeachments of Trump, and Trump embroiled in oversight investigations, McCarthy and some of his top allies are already facing a challenge to keep pace with members’ hunger to satisfy the base’s zest for retribution against every living Democrat – from Biden on down the line as it were.

His decisions related to Republicans’ investigative targets will need to be championed by members of his conference eager to motivate voters with evidence of investigative action, underscoring his tenuous path to be the Speaker of a Republican run House.

My 2 Cents: People all across America say we are on the wrong track, that democracy is in turmoil, under attack, and on verge of total collapse and yet we see this pledge for revenge by McCarthy and his pack of GOP radicals who would end everything the nation stands for and take us over the final edge of the cliff straight into the Gates of Hell itself. 

To me and many others I am sure see that threat as plain as day – and in their words not mine.

We would see destruction all across the land and our adversaries would make moves like we have never seen due to our weakness and division – and that could be the worst outcome: 

Constant turmoil and no law and order or justice in the country – no one bit, except on the terms set by the McCarthy GOP that would allow Trump to run the GOP and nation like a third rate dictatorship, and all thanks to power hungry Kevin McCarthy and his gang of thuggish radical no-gooders.

So, will the voters give them boxes of dynamite on November 8, 2022?  – I pray and hope not. 

Stay tuned. It’s gonna get very ugly. 

Thanks for stopping.

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