Friday, July 28, 2023

Giuliani & Trump: Birds, Feather, Flock, Same Tune Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire


Rudy: Shhh - 2020 lies is my forte not yours 

Rudy comes clean saying he lied about 2020 lies

The story from Tribune News Service with this headline linked here:

“Martin Schram: Truth shatters a Big Lie

For more than two years, Trump’s most patriotic MAGA true-believers have been accepting with unshakable trust what they were sure was rock-solid evidence that their leader really won reelection in 2020.

They genuinely believed then and still believe today that they have seen all the proof they need to prove that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and by extension, stolen from them. 

They have seen the videos on the websites they trust most, showing votes being stolen, changed, thrown away, not counted, or whatever.

They are sure they have seen all the proof.

Now, that’s why they are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

Take what? Those who watched the normal mainstream news were stunned this week when their breaking news shook their rock-solid MAGA world.

That breaking news came from Rudy Giuliani. Yes, America’s Mayor who moved on up to being Trump’s legal mouthpiece just conceded in a U.S. District Court filing in Washington, DC that his statements the MAGA supporters had trusted and believed for example concerning him telling them that he had video proof that Georgia’s votes were stolen from Trump were false and not true after all.

The bottom line: Rudy Giuliani’s previous lies are now exposed as lies and as he confessed in a District Court filing and says: “I lied – what I said was not true about 2020 voter fraud and such.”

My 2 Cents: So, now how can any staunch Trump MAGA person ever trust or ever believe anything from Trump or anyone else close to or connected to him after that bombshell confession by Giuliani? 

Simply put: They cannot and they will not. 

Wait & see. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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