Friday, August 5, 2022

Voting Rights: Under Fire if Trump Candidates Win State Election Positions

Keeping an eye on GOP voter suppression

Our voting rights are 100% under fire from the current and proposed “new” Trump-run GOP if they gain congressional control and more so, control in GOP-run states to manage Federal elections based on this story from the Washington Post with this startling headline:

“What would happen if state officials refused to certify an election?

At the rate they’re winning nominations, it’s almost certain that some 2020 election deniers will hold key state election offices next year. 

A Washington Post analysis in June found that more than 100 Republican primary winners support Trump’s false claims of the 2020 election fraud (The “Big Lie”) — including people who, if they won, would be in a position to subvert legitimate election results, like Governors and Secretaries of State.

Arizona, in particular, has become a hotbed of election deniers. Republican candidates for four top state positions all back Trump’s false claims that he, not Joe Biden, won the 2020 presidential election. They include for Governor (Kari Lake), for the U.S. Senate (Blake Masters), for Secretary of State (Mark Finchem), and for Attorney General (Abe Hamadeh).

Note: It should be noted that not all Republicans who have jumped on Trump’s election fraud claims, see that list here.

If those candidates were to win in November, the entire state apparatus (top to bottom) could refuse to certify the next presidential election results.

What would stop them? Let’s explore that question with details at the WaPo link above addressing these three main story concerns:

1. “How would someone thwart an election?”

2. “What would stop these officials from wreaking havoc with an election?”

3. “Some protections are in place now. But …

My 2 cents: The issue at stake is our right to vote in a free, fair, safe, and secure election that is now under fire in many, if not all, GOP-run states.

As explained above those deniers are seeking revenge for they have been told and firmly believe and have stated just like Trump that “the 2020 election was stolen.” 

It's all part of Trump’s sustained “Big Lie” that he started even before the voting started on November 3, 2020 when he proclaimed publicly that the election “Will be rigged.”

It’s gone downhill ever since then with him always on the losing side, both by the message, the voters at the ballot box, and the 62 court cases he lost. 

Yet, Trump persists and clings to that lie and his base believes it and sticks with him just as I posted here with FiveThirtyEight poll numbers to prove that point.

The 2024 election will be historical but the 2022 midterms are more critical along the way to ensure that our right to vote is not infringed upon in any way, and we can be assured that our vote will indeed be counted fairly and not in jeopardy as outlined above – and, folks that must not happen.

I still have faith in the voters to stop the madness and not allow the 2020 deniers to gain a seat and thus power over our right to vote as well as attacks on our other rights and more so those focused on women and their right to choose their health and medical and reproductive decisions. I hope you agree.

This is a very critical time in our history and quite frankly we and the entire system is vulnerable.

Thanks for stopping by.

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