Thursday, August 4, 2022

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban: To Speak at GOP Conservative Convention in Dallas

Viktor old friend: Velkom to Amerika
(Note: Orban’s necktie color)

The newly-owned and operated Trump GOP-Conservatives are truly in dictatorship la-la land and they seem to love and embrace tyrants in charge of the world now spreading into our own politics as seen in this story from Dallas with this AP headline:

Hungary's autocratic PM Viktor Orban to address GOP conservatives in Dallas

DALLAS (AP)Hungary's PM Viktor Orban is expected to receive a big welcome in the U.S. (August 4) from conservative admirers barely a week after the backlash at home and in Europe over his anti-migrant remarks that one of his closest associates compared to Nazi rhetoric.

Orban's headline slot at the C-PAC, one of the nation's largest gatherings of conservative activists, has raised concerns about Republicans embracing an autocrat who has been criticized for undermining democratic institutions and consolidating power in his own country. 

Orban has become a hero to many on the Republican right for his push against immigration, LGBTQ rights, and progressives. 

Orban also is considered the closest ally in the European Union (EU) to Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

His invitation to speak at the CPAC convention shows conservatives' growing embrace of the Hungarian far-right leader whose country has implemented hardline policies against immigration and LGBTQ rights, and is governed by single-party rule. 

Other speakers will include Trump; Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA); and several Republican candidates fresh off their GOP primary election victories recently.

Snippet from the Washington Post coverage of Orban’s visit:

His speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has gone ahead despite Orban’s latest controversy: a speech in which he railed against Europe becoming “mixed race,” saying that Europeans did not want to live with people from outside the continent. One of his own close advisers resigned in protest, calling the speech “pure Nazi.”

But Orban has found defenders among prominent American conservatives, including Trump; Fox News host Tucker Carlson; and OH Senate candidate J.D. Vance.

On his way to Dallas, Orban stopped to visit Trump at his golf club in Bedminster, NJ and in a statement, Trump called Orban his “friend” and “valued his perspective,” adding:Few people know as much about what is going on in the world today.”

My 2 Cents: The GOP today is Trump’s sole and complete property. They will long live to regret clinging to Trump the way they do.

Why didn’t C-PAC invite Kim, Jong-un; Xi Jinping; and Vladimir Putin?

I can’t wait to hear Orban’s speech praising, supporting, and fluffing up Trump for his possible 2024 re-run.

Pitiful GOP, but totally self-inflicted.

Thanks for stopping by.

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