Thursday, August 11, 2022

Revenge of the GOP: Aims for Trump Anarchy Over Democracy With 2022 Win

Very sad and angry at the same time
(FBI raided my beautiful Mar-a-Lago home)

GOP pledges special dish for cult leader Don

GOP pledges revenge if they retake Congress and so does Trump if he were to actually run and win – so the cult of Trump is real: Care about him and his feelings and ego and GOP as a power player and what: Forget the nation as a whole? Damn sure seems like as this Bloomberg news article headline and previous Trump and GOP statements indicate:

GOP Vows Revenge for Trump Probes if They Win Congress

The subtitle for this is bye, bye American greatness. The nation we all profess to love and cherish is being flushed down the proverbial drain with all GOP hands on the handle as they seek more name, fame, and fortune by bashing and blaming everything and everyone on the DEMS and Joe Biden – but, never ever Trump nor themselves.

Republicans vow they will waste no time tearing into the FBI search of Trump’s home and other investigations of the former president if the GOP wins control of Congress in November, signaling a protracted fight with the Biden administration.

Party leaders and committee chairmen-in-waiting have already pledged to hold aggressive hearings and issue subpoenas in the wake of Monday’s unprecedented search of the former president’s Florida home. 

The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Ohio Rep. Mike Turner has already written to the National Archives and Records Administration demanding officials preserve the documents and communications tied to NARA’s criminal referral to the FBI, which appears to have sparked the search.

Turner said NARA’s response should be written in a way that is “…potentially responsive to a congressional inquiry, request, investigation, or subpoena that may be initiated or otherwise undertaken by a committee of Congress or any other investigative entity.” 

There’s little Republicans can do now in the minority. But winning one or both chambers would allow them to harness subpoena and other powers to launch a widespread probe that could go as high as President Joe Biden himself. The White House has said it was in the dark on the Mar-a-Lago search.

With the president still holding veto power over legislation, such congressional investigations would be one of the most visible avenues for Republicans to exert authority.

Hearings the party held after the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, for example, went on for months and didn’t make much of a splash but did put key Democrats, like then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in the hot seat.

House GOP Minority leader Kevin McCarthy (CA), who has his eyes on the speaker’s office (at all costs I add), immediately promised toleave no stone unturned,” and in his more or less threatening tweet, he warned AG Merrick Garland to “…preserve all documents and clear your calendar.” 

Note: McCarthy was ripped by the Sacramento Bee newspaper for his threat to Garland.

Rep. Jim Jordan (OH), the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee and a rabid Trump ally, insists that President Biden has “weaponized the DOJ.”

Jordan has demanded Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, whom Trump appointed BTW, should both appear for questioning this week before the Judiciary Committee, which has legislative oversight over both. 

However, Jordan, can’t schedule hearings as the ranking GOP member for anyone. He also promised his campaign donors:If Republicans retake the House majority in November, I promise you we will get you the answers that you deserve.” 

Across the board, Republicans – even Trump’s potential 2024 rivals for the GOP nomination – rallied behind the former president. 

In the Senate, where Republicans have a decent chance of taking the majority, some senior Republicans insisted that DOJ officials will have to answer questions about what led to the search. 

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee (and senator since 1981), assailed the lack of a public explanation for the search and said he shared his concerns with Wray. The warrant for the search is sealed. 

He said in a statement: If the FBI isn’t extraordinarily transparent about its justification for yesterday’s actions and committed to rooting out political bias that has infected their most sensitive investigations, they will have sealed their own fate.”

Note for Sen. Grassley and all other GOPers screaming to see the warrant: The FBI as a matter of routine policy gives a copy of the search warrant to the person in question. Plus, they give them a copy of inventory of the items (if any) which are taken. 

So, if the GOP insists on seeing the warrant as they are screaming about, then why not ask Mr. Trump to provide it. He has his own copy. 

No oops is allowed...

Another senior Republican Senator on the Judiciary panel and staunch Trump ally, Lindsey Graham (SC), is calling for some answers saying back in SC: “You don’t do things before an election unless you have to. I want to know what led to this. I think every Republican believes that the FBI and other organizations have lost their mind when it comes to Trump.”

Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell (KY), who has battled with the former president, insisted “…the country deserves a thorough and immediate explanation of what led to the events on Monday. AG Garland and the DOJ should already have provided answers to the American people and must do immediately.”

My 2 Cents: Of course Trump never did anything crappy while in office along with AG Barr, right? Both were always straight and narrow like delicate little Angels, um? 

This GOP is Trump’s cult make no mistake about that. They are his lock, stock, and barrel. All that is missing is Jonestown location. 

We are in very bad shape and apt to get far worse down this very rocky road. 

Thanks for stopping…

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