Saturday, July 30, 2022

Trump 2024 Campaign: Revenge, Darkness, Danger for GOP & Demise of Nation

His plan, aim, and goal as plain as day
(That's what tyrants and dictators do)

A second Trump administration would be more extreme than his first as he outlined in his speech at the “America First Policy Institute” annual summit in Washington, D.C. (July 26). It was an unmistakable sign he’s on the 2024 comeback trail. Highlights are below (formatted to fit the blog) from this CNN article with this headline:

“Trump shows his 2024 campaign would take the country down a dark and dangerous road”

Trump's campaign would take place in the full knowledge of his authoritarian impulses and his willingness to use violence like on January 6. A second Trump presidency would make the first one look conventional and calm.

·  He showed that he is deadly serious about trying to regain power and would use any means at his disposal to make it reality.

·  He called for homeless Americans to be loaded up from city centers and taken to tented camps.

·  He mocked trans-athletes.

·  He said he should be able to send National Guard troops into Democratic states where governors didn't fight violent crime.

·  He called for quick trials for drug dealers to speed swift executions.

·  He demanded the return of “Stop-and-frisk” policies in cities that critics decried as institutionalized racism.

·  His painted a vision of the country held hostage by “drugged out lunatics and sadists.”

·  He promised to purge the education system and to sack “rogue bureaucrats” who constrained his wildest impulses the first time around.

·  He advocated an all-powerful president who would trample over the constitution’s guard rails, the law, and governor’s powers.

In other words his next administration that would be even more aberrant and authoritarian than his first. 

But, perhaps the most disturbing aspect of Trump's words – given what we know about the steps he took to cling onto power in 2020 – was his use of authoritarian tropes.

He portrayed himself as persecuted by the forces of the law, but insisted he endured the suffering to save the country, saying at one part: Who has been through anything like this” – slamming the Russia probe, his two impeachments, and the January 6 committee.”

Unlike many of his campaign speeches, he did not dedicate his entire appearance to fomenting lies about his 2020 election loss, but he did fire up the crowd with claims that he won two elections, not one.

That appears to be effective with some 66% of Republicans who also say Joe Biden's 2020 election win was not legitimate.

But, Trump's continual harping on 2020 may not be a winning argument with a broader electorate with 69% of those asked reject the falsehood that the 2020 election was stolen. Overall his monotone dirge summed up his own bitterness and his sinister arguments.

All-in-all classic Trump is tapping into a classic demagogue's toolbox to pose as a Superman leader shouldering the peoples' burden and not blaming or holding himself accountable one bit for any of his past transgressions, and there are plenty of them, that he hopes no one remembers or dares to mention to talk about.

He summarized saying: I'm doing this for America. And it's my honor to do it. It's my great, great honor to do it. Because if I don't do it our nation is doomed to become another Venezuela or become another Soviet Union.” 

My 2 Cents: I can only add this as I have stated before that Donald J. Trump must be charged, indicted, prosecuted, tried, convicted, and sent to prison for a very long time. His speech outlined above should be a wakeup call the likes we have never seen before.

Trump likes to claim to being first, or the greatest, foremost, or the “only one” – well this meets that standard: He is the first to have been impeached twice; may be the first (I hope) to be prosecuted; and the first to go to jail for his many dastardly crimes against the country.

Trump is truly is a “Clear and Present danger” to our democracy and all we stand for. 

He can never be allowed to run for or serve in any official government capacity ever again.

Thanks for stopping by.

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