Friday, July 22, 2022

Electoral Count Act of 1887: Has Strong Bipartisan Support for Smart Changes

Changes to preclude another 2020 fiasco
(Has sorely-needed bipartisan support)

A bipartisan Senate group announces a deal on reforming the Electoral Count Act (ECA) – story updated from offers more information about how that law works, is supposed to work, and how Trump and those connected to him tried to abuse it and overturn the 2020 election with this headline:

The bill that could make it harder to overturn an election

After months of negotiations, a bipartisan group of senators have announced two proposals related to election administration, including one to reform the ECA, the widely criticized 1887 law that governs the process of casting and counting Electoral College (EC).

The law came under fresh and intense scrutiny following attempts to invalidate the presidential election results leading up to the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. 

That was pushed by Trump and many of his closest allies ever since election night November 3, 2020, and much of that is still pushed by Trump right now in nearly every one of his public rallies, speeches, and media releases.

The Senators said in a joint statement: “From the beginning, our bipartisan group has shared a vision of drafting legislation to fix the flaws of the archaic and ambiguous Electoral Count Act of 1887.”

The senate panel was headed by Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) who led the effort to reform the law, which now will need 60 votes to break a filibuster and pass the Senate.

Their proposal ECA has 16 co-sponsors, including nine Republicans, and GOP Senate Minority Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has signaled that he's open to updating the old law 10 Republicans are needed to stop a filibuster and pass the law changes. That is looking good at this point.

The Current Law: Created after a chaotic election in 1876 when DEM Samuel Tilden won the popular vote but lost the presidency over contested EC vote results when three Southern states sent in competing (or alternative state vote results). A decade later Congress enacted the ECA law designed to avoid any repeat of that fiasco.

Even today some reports and legal experts argue that the crafters of that law then “did a terrible job.”

Members of both major parties opened the door to updating the ECA after the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, which came following Trump's “Big Lie” and his pressure campaign to “stop the steal” that still continues.

Part of Trump’s January 6 strategy and plan was to go against then Vice President Mike Pence that urged him to abandon his ceremonial role in tallying the state final EC votes and instead substitute an “alternative slate of electors” (the so-called “fake electors” list) that would reverse the actual and true state EC certified votes thus overturning the election in favor Trump over Biden.

Advocates for reforming the ECA argue that the law isn't clear enough about the roles the vice president and Congress play in certifying election results, and that weakness was exploited by Trump and his allies to try to keep him in power.

Thankfully that failed and rightly so.

How would the law be changed: As the law exists now, only one member of the House and one member of the Senate are needed to challenge any state's set of electors.

FYI: Here is list of those lawmakers who objected to the EC count in 2021.

The updated language would raise that threshold, shifting the requirement to 20% of the members of each chamber rather than one from each as now required.

The proposal would also enact a few measures “aimed at ensuring that Congress can identify a single, conclusive slate of electors from each state” (refer to this Sen. Collins fact sheet).

The new provisions include:

§  ID each state's Governor, unless otherwise specified in the laws or state constitution as responsible for submitting the certificate of ascertainment identifying that state's electors.

§  Requiring Congress to defer to slates of electors submitted by a state's executive pursuant to the judgments of state or federal courts.

§  Measure would strike provision of archaic 1845 law that could be used by state legislatures to override the popular vote in their states by declaring “a failed election” — a term BTW that is not defined in the law.

§  The bill would also reaffirm that the constitutional role of the Vice President, as the presiding officer of the joint meeting of Congress, is solely ministerial.

The measure to reform the ECA also includes a section to provide guidelines for when a new administration can receive federal resources for their transition into office.

In the shadow of January 6 hearings: The ECA has come up many times during the House select committee's hearings investigating the attack on the Capitol. During one of the panel's hearings, Greg Jacob, who served as chief counsel to Vice President Pence, said: “Had Pence obeyed Trump's demands to block or delay the counting of electoral votes on January 6, he would have broken various provisions of the ECA.”

ECA reform paired with election security proposalThe second measure released would increase criminal penalties for individuals who threaten or intimidate election officials, poll watchers, voters or candidates, or those who steal, alter election records, or tamper with voting systems.

It also would aim to improve the handling of election mail by the USPS and reauthorize the Election Assistance Commission, an independent agency, for five years.

Those few additional proposals were added as reports of election officials across the country were have faced with pressure and threats in the wake of Trump's “Big Lie” about the 2020 election being stolen and was apparently the motivation spark for the assault on the Capitol.

My 2 Cents: This appears to be a good bipartisan bill and sorely need and further it shows how government as divided as we are not can and ought to work to accomplish good for the public – which is their primary role in Congress. So, congrats to them on this.

Now pass it and get to President Biden for him to sign it into law ASAP.

Thanks for stopping by.

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