Friday, March 18, 2022

GOP Loves Fox News: Putin & Lavrov Love Fox News See the Connection

Vladimir and I love Fox news
(Мы с Владимиром любим новости Fox)

Putin & Lavrov love me surprise, surprise 

This news report from Yahoo. News: After three weeks of bitter and barbaric fighting in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (see above) praised the coverage of the war from one American media outlet: Fox News.

Speaking on the state-owned RT network, Lavrov said Fox News has been “trying to represent some alternative points of view in its coverage of the war.” 

Lavrov continued his interview in English adding:We understood long ago that there is no such thing as an independent Western media.”

Lavrov then denounced the social media ban of Trump and appeared to criticize the labeling of January 6 insurrectionists as terrorists then saying:But when you watch other channels, read the social networks and internet platforms, when the acting president was blocked and this censorship continues in a very big way. The substitution of notions whenever something is happening by the way of mass protest, mass demonstrations, which they don’t like, they immediately call it domestic terrorism. So it’s a war, and it’s a war which involves the methods of information terrorism.”

Background: Fox News host Tucker Carlson suggested that U.S. government officials wanted a war between Russia and Ukraine in a bid to “grab more power.”

While otherwise denouncing the Russian invasion, Carlson theorized that the U.S. helped provoke the conflict after emergency powers enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic had come to an end, saying precisely:At exactly the moment when the emergency powers they awarded to themselves to fight COVID started to wane, our leaders began pushing for conflict with Russia.” 

Other Fox News hosts have continued to push talking points while reporting on Russia’s invasion linking the war to various Biden policies. 

Three days into the invasion, Fox and Friends co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy declared:It’s Green New Deal war. This is John Kerry’s war. This is AOC’s war.”

Two days before that, while again covering Russia’s bombardment, Tucker Carlson accused Biden of trying to “…degrade and humiliate the U.S. military by focusing on white rage and maternity flight suits.”

Full article continues here from Yahoo. News.

My 2 Cents: FOX News and most of their hosts and especially Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham are pitiful people. FOX News heads should be ashamed. 

Yes, it’s free speech and their right to be nutty like that, but what they are saying is seriously damaging our entire democratic freedom, national honor, dignity, and historical patriotism by assisting Russian propaganda machine, or worse their disinformation campaign, which is Putin's trademark.

My recent related post on that subject is here.

Fox's pandering and service to Russia as Lavrov and Putin both have said and as this article shows is disgusting.

Further, I suppose these eight Republican House members would get the full Putin-Lavrov “Red” carpet treatment for their votes in Congress as noted in this article from USA Today.

Every Murdoch at Fox News should hang their heads in shame but they won’t because there is too much money pouring in along with high ratings.

But, I also wonder how much money comes from Russian wallets?

Thanks for stopping by.

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