Monday, March 14, 2022

Tucker Carlson & Fox: In Cahoots and Locked Into Putin's Propaganda Machine

I snap my fingers and it all goes away right???

This post is for FOX and their star nitwit, Tucker Carlson. 

The base story is from Talking Points Memo (TPM) with this simple message: Duck!!! What duck???

 “Kremlin Sees Tucker Carlson’s Pro-Russia Coverage as Key to Propaganda Efforts”

Congrats, Tucker, you are FOX’s star mouthpiece and FOX is your platform – sadly, you both are bad news for America any way it’s sliced and diced.

Mother Jones obtained a memo from the Russian government to the country’s media outlets urging them to use clips of Fox News host Tucker Carlson peddling a Russia-friendly narrative about the Ukraine invasion on his show (this from Media Matters).

Russian media has obliged. (See Julia Davis examples below).

Also, Carlson’s been pretty pissed at fellow Fox News colleague Jennifer Griffin for debunking Russia’s disinformation on bio labs in Ukraine.

My 2 Cents: Following that story is this from Julia Davis a top notch journalist and much more, who nailed Fox’s news wackjob, Tucker Carlson with her take on “Tokyo Rose” and her rendition of “Tuckyo Rose” – congrats to her and woe to Tucker Carlson.

Putin's go-to guy at FOX to reach the GOP base
(Many cheer Putin while being nasty to Ukraine)

Ms. Davis’ full bio page click herevery impressive.

Her post is a keeper for sure, and she deserves some highly-rated award for it, too – at least in my opinion.

Congrats to Julia Davis.

Thanks for stopping by.

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