Friday, November 26, 2021

Russia vis-à-vis Ukraine: Back in the Spotlight as Tensions Again Grow


Ukraine Pres. Zelensky two-front concern
(Russian Troops on his border & coup d'état)

Still a hotspot since 2014 
(Russia’s desire for Crimea)

Does Russia have its sights set on taking over in Ukraine? Ukraine President Zelensky faces that possibility as well as an internal coup brewing around him as he discusses in this article from NEWSWEEK with this headline:

Ukraine President Warns of Planned Coup Involving Russians

Intro from the NEWSWEEK article:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told a press conference (November 26) that the country's security services had found evidence of a coup being planned for December with apparent help from Russian individuals. 

Zelensky said that audio recordings obtained by the security services had captured plotters discussing the plan and mentioning Rinat Akhmetov, Ukraine's richest man, whom Zelensky said is not involved in the plot.

The claim comes as Russian troops have amassed along the Ukrainian border in recent weeks and both nations have engaged in combat drills amid concerns about a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Zelensky told the national and international press he did not accuse Russian President Vladimir Putin of being involved in the plot. 

Also, he also offered little information about the specifics of the coup simply saying:We have challenges not only from the Russian Federation and possible escalation—we have big internal challenges. I received information that a coup d'état will take place in our country on December 1-2.” 

Zelensky said he believed Akhmetov “…is being dragged into the war against Ukraine. This will be a big mistake, because you cannot fight against your people. We are in full control of our borders and are fully prepared for any escalation.”

While the Russian government has dismissed the suggestion that it is preparing to invade Ukraine, the U.S. and some NATO allies have raised concerns, with the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv issuing a statement (November 24) about “…concerning reports of unusual Russian military activity…”  

Rest of the story at the NEWSWEEK link here.

Also, related coverage here from CNN.

From USA TODAY and Secretary of State Blinken’s video clip.

My 2 Cents: Not much to add except caution vis-à-vis Putin and is ambitions towards Ukraine.  Worth watching closely – as noted on the map, Ukraine is a very big country and holds the biggest part of the Black Sea with Russian holding some shore line and the dispute over Crimea.

But, the status of Crimea is still disputed. It is claimed by Ukraine and in 2014 recognized as Ukrainian by the UN and most other countries, but it is governed by Russia.

In February 2014, following the 2014 Ukrainian revolution that ousted then Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, Russia annexed Crimea after a military intervention by pro-Russian separatists and Russian Armed Forces. 

A controversial Crimea-wide referendum, illegal under the Ukrainian and Crimean constitutions, was held on the issue of reunification with Russia.

Its official results showed over 90% support for reunification; however, the vote was boycotted by many loyal to Ukraine and declared illegitimate by Western governments and the UN.

Russia formally annexed Crimea on March 18, 2014, incorporating the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol as the 84th and 85th federal subjects of Russia.

Now here we are again with Russian sights, of so it seems, of taking control of all of Ukraine.

Plus, with this  coup news development, that might give Putin a reason (at least in his mind) to invade Ukraine and “put down the coup and save Ukraine” — at least for himself we must presume.

Time will tell, so stay tuned. In the meantime, the U.S. along with our EU & NATO allies must stay loyal to and supportive of Ukraine over this development. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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