Monday, November 22, 2021

Steele Dossier Back: S/C Durham Nails Liar; Trump Cheers; Steele Stays Firm

S/C Dunham results; Trump euphoric; Steele firm 

From Yahoo News this October 19, 2021 update on the Steele Dossier with this headline in a rather long post:

Christopher Steele says there is a chance Russia fed him disinformation

Christopher Steele admits “there is a chance” Russia fed him disinformation while he was compiling his discredited anti-Trump dossier in 2016. Steele was asked whether the Russians had played him or fed him disinformation in an ABC News documentary interview

Steele said:I think there is a chance. I think it’s very unlikely, and I’ll tell you why. Ultimately, any disinformation operation has an objective, and it would’ve been disinformation about Hillary Clinton. So, why then would they run a disinformation campaign that was derogatory about the person they preferred (Trump) to be elected? 

This is a key statement from Steele that I address in my final remarks at the end of this post.

Further, Trump’s Ukraine Impeachment Witness, Fiona Hill, who was the Trump administration's former Russia expert at the NSC testified behind closed doors in October-November 2019 that Steele’s dossier: Very likely contained Russian disinformation, and that Russia targeted both candidates in 2016. 

She Hill added: They seed misinformation, they seed doubt, they have everybody questioning the legitimacy of a presidential candidate, be it a President Trump or potentially a President Clinton. Steele is obviously out there soliciting information. What a great opportunity to, basically, you know, present him with information that they’re looking for that can be couched in some truth and some disinformation. Steele in 2016 was clearly very interested in building up a client base which made him a target for Russia. The dossier was a “rabbit hole” and that he could have been played by the Russians, and it’s very likely that the Russians planted disinformation in the dossier.”

The U.S. intelligence community concluded in 2017 that Russian military intelligence formerly the GRU now divided into the SVR & FSB since 1992 hacked thousands of DNC emails and provided them to WikiLeaks.

That claim was also bolstered by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

In his ABC interview, Steele stood by the dossier, including claims that have been refuted by the FBI. 

Steele was asked if he thought it was a mistake to push allegations about the “pee tape;” former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen; or former Trump campaign associate Carter Page. 

Steele said no, and added firmly:None of those things, to my mind, have been disproven.” 

The FBI received information that “indicated the potential for Russian disinformation influencing Steele's reporting.”

Declassified footnotes show that a report from a still-classified source in 2017, i.e.,That contained information about an individual with reported connections to Trump and Russia who claimed that the public reporting about the details of Trump’s [redacted] activities in Moscow during a trip in 2013 were false.”

That report also concluded the allegations “…were the product of [Russian intelligence services] infiltrating a source into the network of a [redacted] who compiled a dossier of information on Trump’s activities.”

Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska is known for his ties to President Vladimir Putin, as well as his prior business relationships with Steele and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. A mansion in Washington, DC tied to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska was also raided by the FBI on October 19, 2021.

The Senate Intelligence Committee’s 1,000-page report last year also found that “the Russian government coordinates with and directs Deripaska on many of his influence operations.”

Steele and his company, Orbis Business Intelligence, worked for Deripaska in 2016, helping recover millions of dollars the Russian oligarch claimed that Paul Manafort had stolen from him.

Steele sought help in the anti-Trump research effort from Fusion GPS, and they hired Steele soon after Trump got the GOP nomination.

The investigation found “multiple links between Steele and Deripaska and indications that Deripaska had early knowledge of Steele's work” and that Steele’s continued relationship with Deripaska “provided a potential direct channel for Russian influence on the dossier.”

Trump’s reaction to this is here from the UK’s Daily Mail with this headline and snippets from Trump:

It was fabricated, made up” Trump slams Russia hoax after Durham indictment discredited the Steele dossier ignoring Rupert Murdoch's advice to stop 'focusing on the past

·  Trump spoke out after the latest arrest in John Durham's probe.

·  Trump claimed the revelations proved his innocence in the “Russia hoax.”

·  “It was fabricated, made up in order to make me look as bad as possible,” Trump said.

·  FOX CEO Rupert Murdoch reportedly lamented Trump's focus on the past telling him to move on.

My 2 Cents: First this reminder of the many synonyms for the word disinformation:

Betrayal, deceit, duplicity, falsehood, fraud, hypocrisy, lying, mendacity, treachery, trickery, untruth, deception, dishonesty, distortion, evasion, fabrication, fiction, forgery, inaccuracy, and misrepresentation.

Based on this statement by Steele posted above: I think there is a chance. I think it’s very unlikely, and I’ll tell you why I think Russia did plant disinformation.

As Steele saidUltimately, any disinformation operation has an objective, and it would’ve been disinformation about Hillary Clinton. Why would they run a disinformation campaign that was derogatory about the person they preferred to be elected?”

This is key because it possibly shows the Russians did not want either Trump or Clinton to win – just merely inflict as much doubt, anger, disgust, and damage to the credibility of our entire democratic election process. 

Then, assume Russia did have compromising info on Trump why not use it? I say, keep it reserve for when needed – their fallback strategy to control him later if he were to win.

To me that is plausible and very Putin-like. Keep in mind the true purpose of Russian disinformation as I said before compared to misinformation:

Misinformation is stated or placed by a simple mistake not covertly and not with any malice, intent, or definite purpose to cause conflict.

On the other hand:

Disinformation is purposely placed with the full intent to cause harm, disruption, distrust, and chaos. In more modern times it is used to covertly disrupt or topple established governments, competing political systems around the globe for self-interests, and all for political, military, financial, or more devious purposes, and to gain leverage.

The word “disinformation” is the English transliteration of the Russian word: дезинформация.

It is derived from the handbook used in the former “USSR Black Propaganda Department.”

That handbook documents how Joseph Stalin coined the term, even giving it a French-sounding name and falsely claiming it had Western origin, that being a false statement itself.

Precise Russian use of the word began in the now defunct USSR’s “Special Disinformation Office” in 1923.

Another example of its use was Operation INFEKTION 

(Operation: Infection) that was to spread harmful information that said the U.S. had invented and spread AIDS.

I still contend that Russian disinformation is at the heart of the Steele Dossier – all the lies aside like now the latest from this story of Igor Danchenko reported on here Law Fare (November 4, 2021) with this headline regarding his lies to the FBI about the Steele Dossier and his planted false information:

Igor Danchenko, Steele Dossier Source, Indicted as Part of Durham Investigation

His 39-page indictment is at the link. It shows, I believe that Russia did play a huge role in planting disinformation in 2016 – to either have their choice win, or if not, to totally discredit the election any way possible. This is very big news. 

This story is NOT complete in my view – not by a long shot – wait and see. 

Also, as I said I’m sorry this the post is so long – but it is sorely needed information that the public needs to keep abreast of. Now is the time that we need to keep a level head in these very troubling times to show, I believe what was done by careful Russian design and that which may be forthcoming in 2022, or surely in 2024. 

We shall see. 

As always, thanks for stopping by.

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