Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Malware; Ransomware; Now Killware: Hackers New Evil and Deadly Scheme


Test run in FL water plant - almost successful
(Sharp plant employee foiled the attack)

Eye-opening story from USA TODAY with this headline:

The next big cyber threat isn't Ransomware. It's Killware, and it's just as bad as it sounds.”

Even as most Americans are still learning about the hacking-for-cash crime of ransomware, the nation’s top homeland security official is worried about an even more dire digital danger: “Killware,” or cyberattacks that can literally end lives.

The Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack in April galvanized the public’s attention because of its consumer-related complications, including long lines at gas stations – says HSD Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in an interview with USA TODAY's Editorial Board last week.

He then added: There was a cyber incident that very fortunately did not succeed. That was is an attempted hack of a water treatment facility in Florida, and the fact that that attack was not for financial gain but rather purely to do harm. That attack was on the Oldsmar, FL water system in February that was intended to distribute contaminated water to residents and that should have gripped our entire country.”

It’s no surprise that it didn’t grip the country since USA TODAY and others reported on that hack, but it came amid a flurry of reports of other, bigger cyberattacks such as the Solar Winds intrusion of government agencies, technology firms like Microsoft, and cybersecurity companies. 

But Mayorkas and other cybersecurity experts say the Oldsmar intrusion was just one of many indications that malicious hackers increasingly are targeting critical parts of the nation's infrastructure – everything from hospitals and water supplies to banks, police departments and transportation – in ways that could injure or even kill people.

Mayorkas then told USA TODAY in a follow-up exchange:The attempted hack of this water treatment facility in February 2021 demonstrated the grave risks that malicious cyber activity pose to public health and safety. The attacks are increasing in frequency and gravity, and cybersecurity must be a priority for all of us.”

Like Mayorkas, private-sector computer security experts recently have begun issuing warnings that so-called cyber-physical security incidents involving a wide range of critical national infrastructure targets could potentially lead to loss of life. Those include oil and gas manufacturing and other elements of the energy sector, as well as water and chemical systems, transportation and aviation and dams.

For example Wam Voster, senior research director at the security firm Gartner Inc. wrote: With the rise of consumer-based products like smart thermostats and autonomous vehicles, Americans are now living in a ubiquitous Cyber-Physical Systems world that has become a potential minefield of threats. In a July 21 report, Gartner said it was seeing enough evidence of increasingly debilitating and dangerous attacks that by 2025, cyber attackers will have weaponized operational technology environments to successfully harm or kill humans. The attack on the Oldsmar water treatment facility shows that security attacks on operational technology are not just made up in Hollywood anymore.”  

Voster concluded:The Triton malware was first identified in December 2017 on the operational technology systems of a petrochemical facility. It was designed to disable the safety systems put in place to shut down the plant in case of a hazardous event. If the malware had been effective, then loss of life was highly likely. It is not unreasonable to assume that this was an intended result, thus malware has now entered the realm of Killware.”

A frightening target is Hospitals:

Officials are concerned about the rash of ransomware attacks on hospitals, which had to divert patients and cancel or defer critical surgeries, tests and other medical procedures, as was the case in a nationwide cyberattack on Universal Health Services, one of the nation's largest health care providers, in September 2020.

RELATED: Hospitals report rise in hacking during COVID. In hospital hacks, patients could die or suffer life-threatening complications but it would be nearly impossible to find out unless medical centers willingly offered that information, said a senior DHS official speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss ongoing security concerns. 

A year ago, the FBI, DHS, and HHS issued a warning alert about such attacks on hospitals, describing the tactics, techniques, and procedures used by cybercriminals to infect systems with ransomware for financial gain saying: “CISA, FBI, and HHS have credible information of an increased and imminent cybercrime threat to U.S. hospitals and healthcare providers. CISA, FBI, and HHS are sharing this information to provide warning to healthcare providers to ensure that they take timely and reasonable precautions to protect their networks from these threats.”

Liability for loss of life:

Cybersecurity experts have begun warning government and corporate leaders that they could be held financially or even legally liable if breaches of computerized systems they oversee are found to have had a human impact.

Who are the hackers?

HSD security officials would not comment on who might have been behind the Florida attack, including whether it was linked to a foreign power.

Several nations, including Iran, Russia and China have penetrated key elements of U.S. critical infrastructure, but there have been few instances of them taking any action. Officials believe more and more foreign governments and non-state actors are engaging in malicious cyber-activity – sometimes together – in ways that make it nearly impossible to attribute the attacks, or to determine whether they were driven by profit, political motives or both.  

In 2015, for example, an Iranian “Hactivist” group claimed responsibility for a cyberattack two years earlier that gave it access to the control system for a dam in the suburbs of New York.

In a criminal indictment, the DOJ later said that seven Iranian hackers penetrated the computer-guided controls of the dam on behalf of that country’s military-affiliated Revolutionary Guard as part of a broader cyberattack against 46 of the United States largest financial institutions.

Cybersecurity officials at DHS have long known:That water facilities and other critical infrastructure have been vulnerable for many, many years. What made this one different in FL was that there was an intruder who consciously exploited that vulnerability with malicious intent. It is also significant because it is one of the few incidents where malicious cyber activity is crossing the line and can actually threaten the lives of people for instance by increasing the level of potentially toxic chemicals in the water supply.” 

DHS told USA TODAY that a malicious actor attempted to change chemical mixtures to unsafe levels as part of the water treatment process at the FL plant and concluded saying: “A plant operator detected the changes and corrected the system before it affected the water supply. Independent of who was behind it, the fact that someone decided to exploit that vulnerability and was able to do it means that other attackers would be able to do it as well.”

My 2 Cents: Folks, this is very serious. Any hacker caught involved in this new criminal act should quickly be tried and sentenced to a very long time in prison… and if any death occurs due to their act, then the death penalty must apply … this is a horrible new set of dangers we now face.

We have moved from Malware to Ransomware to Killware. Each step is worse than the one before: Damaging computers to demanding large sums of money (Ransom) to possibly now aimed at taking lives.

Also, if it's any foreign government or anti-ally involved – then that could be considered an act of war and then we have a whole new set of issues, so stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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