Sunday, October 10, 2021

Trump Wanted to Use DOJ to Overturn Election: New DOJ Evidence Revealed


Trump plot thickensProof meets pudding

Trump's excuse to fire Acting AG Jeffery Rosen
(Wanted sycophant Jeffrey Clark instead)

Amazing and shocking at the same time is this short ABC This Week” video segment by reporter Jonathan Karl in his new book “Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show

Karl's reporting involves many interviews before and during the January 6 insurrection of the Nation’s Capital that took place between Trump and top DOJ official as he tried to get them to overturn the 2020 election that Karl documents.

Startling news and excellent reporting in the video below:

My 2 Cents: This article stands alone. 

However, I do have a link to the same related story that I posted earlier – seen here from this MSNBC report.

Thanks for stopping by.

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