Thursday, October 14, 2021

GA Court Dismisses Trump Challenge: He Attacks Court & GOP in Wild Rant

Trump's 2020 election court scoreboard
(60 plus losses —  0 wins)

Trump blasts the GA court dismissal ruling

Trump court losses: AZ; PA; TX; WI

Trump threat to MI GOP & other states

Trump loses another 2020 election court case, and again in GA. He then goes into a rage and fires off a series of anti-GOP and other rants.

This court case dismissal now makes well over 60 cases Trump has lost in his challenge to the 2020 election. Also, with this dismissal, Trump has lost GA a total of 5 times.

Trump then unloads a series of messages and threats to various GOP groups that are truly astonishing as reported on by Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

Her report is in this short video (4-minutes) with this story headline:

Judge stomps out Trump Big Lie case in Georgia; triggers Trump tantrum

Introduction: Rachel Maddow reports on a Georgia judge rejecting a bid by Trump supporters to perform another election audit circus (like the Cyber Ninjas clown show in AZ).

Following that is an ensuing Trump press release and string of political threats that have come to be expected from a triggered and out raged Trump (see images above).

Really, an excellent story – and classic Trump.

FYI: Here is my earlier related post re: Anti-Trump Republicans.

Thanks for stopping by.

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