Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Steve Bannon: Trump's New-Old Hatchet Man One Mean, Nasty Top Notch SOB


Bannon’s Just Like Chicken Man 
(“He's Everywhere, He's Everywhere”)

Dynamic Duo Out to Wreck Democracy
(Start in States and Work Upwards)

What’s wrong in America today? Nope, it’s not Biden or the DEMS as you’ve heard or maybe even been told by the GOP that has been pushing that line since Biden took office.

The GOP stunts all across ‘RED’ state America since the 2020 election officially ended. The main one is what Trump loyalists, trusting and believing in him follow, that is to profess his “Big Lie” – that the 2020 election was “rigged against him” and that “he actually won and Biden lost.

Trump still pushes that more so even today, however, the January 6 assault on the Nation’s Capitol (to stop the official EC count and final certification) was the icing on the proverbial Trump-inspired insurrection cake.

So, how has this “new” Trump owned and operated GOP in general terms reacted and continues to react?

Let’s a look at the case of one moron pushing the “Big Lie” – one Stephen Bannon a true Trump sycophant who even said before Trump won in 2016: “We need to take power and then deconstructAmerica and rebuild it the way we want.”

But, Bannon didn’t last long with Trump however, as we found out very quickly by August 2017 when Trump basically fired Bannon – that story is here from Reuters:

Now with this recent story we see Bannon and his nastiness back in action full blast reported on here from ProPublica

The key parts follow which I wanted to emphasize with the story headline:

The stolen election myth inspired thousands of Trump supporters to take over the Republican Party at the local level, exerting more partisan influence on how elections are run

One of the loudest voices urging Trump’s supporters to push for overturning the presidential election results was Steve Bannon, an early and former Trump adviser and far-right nationalist, pledged on his popular podcast on January 5 this:

We’re on the point of attack. All hell will break loose tomorrow (January assault on the Capitol).” 

Sure enough, the next morning, as thousands massed on the National Mall for a rally that turned into an attack on the Capitol, Bannon again fired up his listeners saying: “It’s them against us. Who can impose their will on the other side?” 

That all failed miserably.

Nevertheless, and even when the insurrection failed, Bannon continued his campaign for his former boss by other means.

On his “War Room” podcast, which has tens of millions of downloads, Bannon said: “President Trump lost because the Republican Party sold him out. This is your call to action.”

He said that in February, only a few weeks after Trump had pardoned him of federal fraud charges. 

The solution, Bannon announced in May on is show, was to seize control of the GOP from the bottom up telling listeners they should flood into the lowest rung of the party structure: the precincts, adding: “It’s going to be a fight, but this is a fight that must be won, we don’t have an option. We’re going to take this back village by village … precinct by precinct.”

FYI: Precinct officers are the worker bees of political parties, typically responsible for routine tasks like making phone calls or knocking on doors. 

But collectively, they can influence how elections are run. In some states, they have a say in choosing poll workers, and in others they help pick members of boards that oversee elections. 

After Bannon’s endorsement, the “precinct strategy rocketed across far-right media.” Viral posts promoting the plan racked up millions of views on pro-Trump websites, talk radio, fringe social networks and message boards, and programs aligned with the QAnon conspiracy theory.

My 2 Cents: Now, look at us today – as a national we are on the verge of a total democratic meltdown and failure on an historical level. 

Some people don’t even believe that in their zeal for Trump, but they ignore their own actions causing this unprecedented chain of events. 

Thanks for stopping for this update on one evil SOB – Steve Bannon.

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