Saturday, September 4, 2021

CoVID-19 Deaths: Now 1,500 a Day with Anti-Vaxxers Resistance Main Cause

St. Luke's Medical Center (ICU) in Boise, ID
(Pronating a 39-year old unvaccinated patient)

We are very bad shape, folks as reported on in this Washington Post article with this headline:

“U.S. CoVID death toll hits 1,500 a day amid delta scourge”

A perfect storm of viral changes and behavioral changes is driving pandemic’s fourth wave

Nationally, CoVID-19 deaths have climbed steadily in recent weeks, hitting a seven-day average of about 1,500 a day after falling to the low 200's in early July.

The latest handiwork of a contagious “Delta variant” that has exploited the return to everyday activities by tens of millions of Americans, many of them unvaccinated.

The dead include two Waco, Texas teachers at a junior high, who died last week within days of each other; a 13-year-old middle schoolboy from Georgia; and a nurse, age 37, in Southern California who left behind five children, including a newborn.

Related fine article here from The Atlantic, in part: “Pro-Trump America has decided that vaccine refusal is a statement of identity and a test of loyalty.” 

I note:  The anti-vaxxers continue to screech: It's our right, our freedom of choice. Nope, it’s not your right or freedom to infect and possibly kill those around you. That is utterly insane thinking, and mostly from conservative Goofy Oafy Partisans.

My 2 Cents: As I said above – we are in very bad shape as a people – as a nation with pride, hope, kindness, and all that we say we stand for.

Nowadays, the anti-vaxxers and mostly harsh conservative Republican anti-everything that is decent are growing in number in Congress and now they appear to be running the GOP by following Trump’s crazy lying methods. That is a fact that cannot be disputed – at least with a straight face.

Thanks for stopping by.

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