Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Tucker Carlson: Another Low — Not Surprised to See Him Pander to Autocrat


Carlson with Hungary's PM Orban

Orban's philosophy 

This post is for all the Tucker Carlson’s loyal FOX viewers and followers with a simple question. What is Carlson’s favorite color? Actually there are two:

First is a bright Red as with Hungary’s PM Viktor Orban, and bright Orange as with Donald J. Trump.

Watch this excellent 4-minute CNN rundown on Carlson to tape his Fox program in Hungary with PM Orban.

The CNN rundown shows comparisons between the styles of Orban and Trump and why they appeal to Carlson and like-minded FOX viewers – and the comparison is stunning.

CNN clip click here

Historian Heather Cox-Richard’s view

My 2 Cents: Tucker Carlson again stoops to the lowest rung on the ladder leading to the bottom of FOX’s sewer.

It is pretty startling to see that comparison made between Orban and Trump and how easily it got Carlson’s attention. Not hard to figure out.

Now we wait to see how Carlson sells Orban over the FOX airwaves – that will be truly amazing to watch while keeping a barf bucket handy.

Thanks for stopping by.

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