Saturday, July 31, 2021

Trump's Criminal Syndicate: In the High Dozens and Growing Weekly It Seems


Bottom Left 2nd: Tom Barrack the latest
(As UAE Agent Joins the Dirty Dozen)

As this story and headline further shows, Donald J. Trump will probably go down in history as our most-corrupt, crooked, evil, nasty, and meanest president ever … hands down the worst.

The story is here and still developing and it’s a biggie:

“Tom Barrack’s indictment suggests Trump's White House was even more vulnerable than we thought”

Like moths to a corrupt flame, Trump seems to have attracted crooked individuals.

According to prosecutors, an American close to the president was also working for a foreign dictatorship and had been trying to influence policy. 

The indictment was filed in the Eastern District of NY (EDNY). 

It alleges that Tom Barrack was an unregistered foreign agent who spent years liaising with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and then subtly attempting to maneuver former Trump toward UAE goals.

More highlights from this startling story:

Barrack, a former foreign policy and economic adviser to Trump, is perhaps best known as one of Trump’s top fundraisers in 2016. From there, he became chairman of Trump’s 2017 inaugural committee. A billionaire, Barrack spent years swimming in similar waters to Trump, eventually becoming a “close friend” of the former president (re: The New York Times).

Through a spokesperson, Barrack has denied the charges, who said: “Mr. Barrack has made himself voluntarily available to investigators from the outset. He is not guilty and will be pleading not guilty.”

Barrack now faces what are called Section 951 charges, which was the same charge levied against convicted Russian agent Maria Butina.

While the charges are technically different from broader Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) violations, both statutes center on those who covertly work in the U.S. on behalf of foreign governments — and who fail to inform the DOJ about their relationships with those foreign governments.

According to EDNY prosecutors, Barrack’s efforts on behalf of the UAE ran the gamut.  Key examples in the indictment are:

1. He allegedly changed Trump’s speeches in order to praise the Emirati dictatorship, and lobbied for more pro-UAE policy and staffing decisions.

2. He secretly passed internal White House discussions to the UAE government.

3. He solicited and gathered a so-called wish list of policy decisions from UAE officials that they wanted the Trump administration to implement.

4. He lobbied in more public ways, such as writing pro-UAE op-eds.

Barrack never bothered to disclose that he might have ulterior motives for taking such a pro-UAE tack.

It’s unclear exactly how much money Barrack made directly from such work, though it took place while Barrack’s private equity firm received some $1.5 billion from the UAE and its close ally Saudi Arabia (re: The New York Times).

However, it appears clear who he was working directly with: Among those helping steer Barrack’s efforts seemed to be Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, the de facto head of the UAE’s dictatorial claque, appears to be identified in the indictment as Emirati Official 1.

Prosecutors wrote:The defendant Barrack is charged with extremely serious offenses based on conduct that strikes at the very heart of our democracy.”

In any other administration, these revelations might have sent shock waves rippling through Washington. This was, after all, a foreign dictatorship allegedly steering a figure directly in the American president’s orbit, successfully influencing policy along the way.

But for Trump, the allegations are almost unsurprising. This is a president, after all, whose campaign chairman (Paul Manafort) and deputy chairman (Rick Gates) were both sentenced to jail time for secretly working on behalf of a foreign government.

This president's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, is currently under investigation over whether he failed to register his work on behalf of corrupt foreign clientele and whose former acting Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, helped launder the reputation of a now-sanctioned oligarch without disclosing any of his work to American officials. (Both have denied any wrongdoing).

Barrack isn’t even the first prominent Trump fundraiser to be accused of secretly working at the behest of corrupt foreign actors — that honor belongs to Elliott Broidy, who recently pleaded guilty to a similar charge.

My 2 Cents: Continue the story at the link above. 

The B/L as they say is simple: With all that is still coming forth about the crimes and allegations against Trump and those close to him. the question is when will he be indicted, tried, and then sent to prison? He surely deserves 20 years in my view.

Stay tuned because “It ain’t over till it’s over” just like the great Yogi Berra used to say.

On this same topic is this related story: Eleven Trump Associates Charged with Serious Crimes.” Hard to keep score, isn’t it?

Also, my earlier post same topic is here.

Thanks for stopping by.

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