Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Rid the Nation of Trump: He's the Scourge of America Unlike Any Man in History

The look of an unhinged & utterly insane man

Time to cut all ties with Trump and the sooner the better.

Case in point is this excellent article from Vox.com

Below is the part I wanted to emphasize re: the January Capitol attack and Trump’s twisting of the facts of that horrible day with this Vox headline:

“Trump has found his January 6 martyr”

His fact-free mythologizing of Ashli Babbitt’s death is part of a broader effort to justify the insurrection.

Trump thinks that insurrection was a “lovefest” (his words not mine) heard from him in this short video in his phone call to Fox News:


The broader context for Trump’s comments about the shooting of Ashli Babbitt is his effort to transform the his supporters who ransacked the Capitol from perpetrators to victims.

Those supporters, inspired by Trump’s relentless election fraud lies, were there to prevent Congress from certifying his election loss to Biden. And though Trump may have condemned the violence on Capitol Hill in the days following January 6, now he’s making full-throated defenses of the insurrectionists.

While videos of that day show an angry crowd chanting things like “Hang Mike Pence” and “Take the Capitol,” Trump’s comments to Fox’s Maria Bartiromo incoherently alternated between making it sound like the insurrection was some sort of picnic in the park by insisting his supporters had good reason to be so angry. 

Trump also insisted that those still incarcerated because of charges connected to their activities that day should be immediately released.

Trump said:They have to release the people that are incarcerated. They won’t do it to the other side,” (as Trump told Bartiromo, drawing a false equivalency between the insurrectionists and BLM  protesters).

Trump is also whitewashing his own role in instigating the insurrection.

During his interview with Bartiromo, he described the speech he delivered just before the breach of the Capitol as “very mild-mannered,” totally ignoring the fact that he mentioned the words “fight” or “fighting” at least 20 times.

He continued: There was such love at that rally ... they were peaceful people. The love in the air, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

That remark turns reality upside down. Ultimately, more than 150 officers were injured, with Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick dying the next day.

In addition to Babbitt, three Trump supporters died, with one of them — a 34-year-old woman named Rosanne Boyland — trampled to death as Trump supporters clashed with law enforcement outside the Capitol.

Both Bartiromo and Trump expressed indignation that, as Bartiromo put it: They continue to call this an armed insurrection, and yet no guns were seized” — (overlooking the fact that at least four insurrection attendees were charged with firearms-related crimes, and that weapons seized that day included stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats, and even pipe bombs).

Republicans have learned to love the insurrection, too, because they can’t afford to cross Trump and mess up in 2022 midterms.

The lie Trump has been pushing is that Babbitt and the rest of the January 6 insurrectionists had good reason to attack Congress that day, because the election was stolen from him, while there’s no evidence to back that up.

Then, there’s the Trump speech at the recent CPAC in Dallas — an event where he dominated the presidential straw poll — demonstrated he’s not above just making stuff up like these two lies:

He said:You saw what happened in Georgia the other day. They found 35,000 votes.”

(He mischaracterized a recent article from a right-wing publication about voters who may have moved from one Georgia County to another outside of a statutory 30-day grace period which is hardly the type of politically motivated fraud Republicans have been fear-mongering about).

He then said:They deleted in Georgia over 100,000 votes because they were so bad, voters.”

(Actually, that was a routine state move to purge 100,000 inactive names from the active voter registration rolls).

Related: This from the Alabama Republican Party shows the conning skills of Trump and how it spreads.

My 2 Cents: Yeah, that’s the kind of scourge we need to purge from our national landscape – 100% — the name Donald J. Trump.

We also need an effort to get him off the media stage and stop covering him — coverage which he thrives on. Cut him off from all media – but then, of course, only Fox News will as always, be his safety net – they will always be there for him.

I say: Let him suffer and eventually he and Fox will, too. The public generally can’t be fooled very long – except for the 30% of Trump sycophants, and the scaredy-cat members of congress who need him and his base to stay in office in 2022 and beyond — how pathetic is that?

Thanks for stopping by.

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