Thursday, July 15, 2021

Big News: Putin and His Circle from Moscow Leak Vis-à-Vis Trump


Two very dark and shadowy figures
(Putin & Trump)

A common theme picking up steam lately

Leakers – love ‘em or hate ‘em right Mr. Trump? 

This amazing story from Business Insider with this headline:

“Leaked Kremlin documents support claim that Russia has 'compromising material' on Trump: report”

·  Kremlin documents obtained by The  Guardian claim that Russia had compromising info on Trump.

·  The paper said it verified the documents, which discuss a plan to help Trump win the 2016 election.

·  Unproven rumors have long swirled that Russia got lurid information about Trump on a business trip.

From The Guardian:

Documents from a top-level Kremlin meeting in 2016 apparently say that Russia had compromising information about then presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Documents are said to be from a Russian National Security Council meeting in January 22, 2016, attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin and top intelligence and military officials.

Steps to verify the documents were taken and based on analysis by experts that include circumstantial details that could be verified.

Western intelligence agencies were also aware of the documents.

The main subject of the closed meeting was a plan to deploy Russian intelligence in an audacious bid to help Trump win the upcoming election against Hillary Clinton.

The documents say that Russian officials believed a Trump victory would aid Russia by badly destabilizing the U.S.

The documents provide a psychological profile of Trump, describing him as “mentally unstable.” 

My note: Why would Russia hold these different views: (1) Trump is unstable, (2) we'll help him win, and (3) if he wins, the U.S. will be badly destabilized. Why say that?

Simple: They would control the man they helped and supported to win.

Also, one section mentions compromising material held by Russia, an issue which has long been the subject of lurid rumor in the U.S. about Trump.

That lurid material, according to the documents, was collected on Trump's earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory.” It refers to certain events that happened during Trump's trips to Moscow, and referred to an Appendix for further details (although unclear what those were).

There have long been rumors that Russia had obtained lurid private information about Trump which it could use as leverage, and those claims were aired in a document published in 2016, after Trump won the presidency. Those claims were compiled by a former UK intelligence officer, Christopher Steele in his “The Steele Dossier.”

Its standout claim - never proven, and furiously denied by Trump - is that there exists a video of prostitutes urinating for Trump's enjoyment on a hotel bed chosen because it had been used by Barack Obama.

Trump had adamantly denied the claims.

Russia dismissed this report describing it as “Pulp Fiction” (e.g., refers to racy, action-based stories published in cheap pulp paper).

Related topic article from Esquire here.

My 2 Cents: Amazing article as I said. Can’t wait to hear Trump’s reaction – outta be a keeper for sure – you know “fake news, or a DEM-Leftist ploy, or more failed media reporting” etc., etc., ad nauseam.

Odd though with Trump, he either loves leakers (e.g., WikiLeaks), or he hates them and wants them tried for treason and executed, or a possible pardon for Edward Snowden – nothing else, I guess? Make up your mind, Mr. Trump.

Thanks for stopping by.

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