Friday, October 9, 2020

Velkom to Wild Alt-Right Amerika: More Dangerous With Daily New Schemes


10 of 13 Wolverine Watchmen Militia Members 
Charged in Michigan

From the Detroit Free press this headline – which is very disturbing on so many levels:

“Feds say plot was bigger than kidnapping Gov. Whitmer. It was civil war attempt.”

The “Wolverine Watchmen” a militia group didn't just plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI), but they were on a mission to attack the state Capitol, target police officers, all as part of their broader mission “to instigate a civil war.

That according to authorities when they announced (October 8) felony charges against 13 militia members accused in a sensational case of domestic terrorism.

MI AG Dana Nessel referred to the accused as “extremists who were hoping to recruit new members by seizing on a moment of civil unrest to wreak havoc on the country.”

Nessel identified the militia group as the Wolverine Watchmen, whose members are accused of, among other things, conducting surveillance outside Whitmer's vacation residence, using code language, and encrypted messages to throw off police and planting a bomb under a bridge to divert law enforcement in any pursuit. 

Nessel continued: There has been a disturbing increase in anti-government rhetoric and the re-emergence of groups that embrace extremist ideologies. This is more than just political disagreement or passionate advocacy, some of these groups’ mission is simply to create chaos and inflict harm upon others.”

Nessel's comments followed the filing of an FBI affidavit in U.S. District Court that alleges six militia members plotted a revolt on the government that included kidnapping Gov. Whitmer and an additional 7 were also charged in their overall scheme (10 of the 13 are pictured above).

My 2 cents: So, I wonder how President Trump will address any questions about this group and this very startling incident in a major American city in Michigan. 

Can’t wait to hear his response. Thanks for stopping by.

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