Sunday, October 11, 2020

Trump Can't Accept 2016 Win: Still Pursuing Clinton's Emails - Disgraceful Man


Good hatchet job on Crooked Hillary, bigly
(Two A-Holes)

Disturbing and totally sickening story carried out by Pompeo for Trump with this headline:

BREAKING: Mike Pompeo Says He Has Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails and Will Begin Releasing Them Before Election Day

You want bigtime election tampering, interference, raw, dirty, nasty, evil politics - well this is it, but …

Yeah, but … all the while Pompeo is doing Trump's dirty work, I guess they both forgot this part of the story (from NPR):

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) released a letter he had received from the State Department earlier in the week (October 10, 2019), in which the department said it had concluded its investigation, begun in 2016, into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails.

The quick takeaway from the report, as reported by AP: The investigation found “no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.”

It did find that 38 current or former employees, in 91 cases (Clinton not guilty of anything) had sent classified information (some of it classified after the fact) that ended up in Clinton's personal email. Some of those current and former employees may face discipline.

My 2 cents: Trump just cannot let go of the fact that he won in 2016, yet he keeps blaming both Obama and Hillary Clinton for his win.

As far as Pompeo, well he is one very, very sick man for doing Trump’s dirty work.

If there is any blowback about this, and I hope there is, Pompeo will suffer, but not Trump. He will, as usual answer to reporters who ask about this say: “You have to ask Mike about that, he acted on his own – I don’t know anything.”

Thanks for stopping by.

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