Monday, July 13, 2020

Trump's Corruption Has No Limit: Again Bows to the NRA and Gun Producers

Lifts Silencer Ban: May be his biggest and deadliest
(I emphasize the word deadliest)

Big new report from NY Times on Gun silencers back on the market for sale by U.S. manufacturers to foreign sources

Related stories here from The Hill (cites NY Times) and here NY Post.

FYI: Private citizens can legally purchase and possess silencers in 42 states without a permit but must follow Federal guidelines.

A ban had been in place from 2002 until now lifted by State Department (July 10). 

The NRA and manufacturers are elated – and money expected to flow to Trump, thanks to this guy: Michael B. Williams

Williams spent nearly two years helping to run a trade group focused on expanding sales of firearm silencers by American manufacturers.

But try as he might, he could not achieve one of the industry’s main goals: Overturning that 2002 ban on sales to private foreign buyers enacted by the State Department to protect U.S. troops in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Now Williams has joined the Trump administration as a White House lawyer, He from there pushed to overturn the prohibition, raising the issue with influential administration officials and creating pressure within the State Department – that according to current and former government officials. 

Now on Friday (July 10), the State Department lifted that ban, and a longtime industry goal was realized. 

The change paved the way for as much as $250 million a year in possible new overseas sales for companies that Williams championed as general counsel of the American Suppressor Association. 

His role in pushing to lift the ban, which has not been previously reported, follows a well-established pattern in the Trump administration, with the president handing over policy making to allies of special interest groups with a stake in those policies; in this case, Williams’ victory comes for a key constituency as Trump seeks reelection: the NRA and massive gun lobby.

Former lobbyists now in Trump’s Cabinet that Williams has joined:

1.    A former coal lobbyist now as administrator of the EPA.
2.    A former defense lobbyist at Raytheon Technologies now as Defense Secretary.
3.    A former lobbyist for the automobile industry now as Energy Department Secretary.
4.    A former oil and gas lobbyist now as Interior Secretary.

Note: Those industries all have been sources for a lot of money going to Trump’s campaign and committees supporting him.

My 2 cents and impact of this: Some military, diplomatic, and arms control circles defended the 2002 ban and expressed alarm about Trump lifting it now.

It was announced a website from the State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls. Although the department’s rules had long permitted selling silencers to foreign governments, they did not allow sales to private companies or individuals, whose use of the devices is more difficult to monitor. 

Lincoln P. Bloomfield Jr., who was assistant secretary of state for political-military affairs when the ban was enacted in 2002, said the policy was intended to prevent American equipment from making its way to hostile groups that might use it against U.S. service members, especially during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. 

Remember Trump’s 2016 campaign rally chant about Draining the Swamp?” 

He has not – he has simply widened and filled it with more and newer bottom feeders than ever – more and more former lobbyists who are now insider policy makers. 

Trump is so pathetic that it defies gravity itself. 

Shame on those who fell for his conning and voting for him, and sadly, still standing by him.

Thanks for stopping by.

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