Sunday, July 12, 2020

Trump's Illiteracy : Basic History, Our Government, and Constitution's Meaning

Aerial View: Puerto Rico Hurricane Maria
(September 2017)

Absolutely astonishing story – once again shows the utter contempt Trump has for our nation’s foundation and yes, even American citizens – those he does not approve … this story here from the NY Times, via CNN with this headline:

Trump considered selling Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria (former Acting HSD Chief says)

Highlights of PR history and this: People born in PR became American citizens when in 1917, Congress passed the Jones-Shafroth Act, which granted citizenship to all Puerto Ricans

It also made Puerto Rican males eligible for the military draft. Later, some 18,000 of the territory’s residents were drafted during World War I.

In July 1898, during the brief Spanish-American War, U.S. forces occupied southern side of the island. Then under the Treaty of Paris, which formally ended that war later that same year, Spain ceded Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, and Cuba to the United States.

This shows without any doubt just how dumb and uninformed Trump is about our country, history, and government operation and functions. The damage he has inflicted to date might be irreparable.

Background on this story:  Puerto Rico suffered nearly 3,000 deaths, and sustained nearly $92 billion in damages.

According to the NY Times, Elaine Duke, DHS Acting Secretary when the hurricane hit in September 2017 told them:The President's initial ideas were more of as a businessman, you know.”

Trump asked Duke: Can we outsource the electricity? Can we can we sell the island? You know, or divest of that asset?”

Note: Also according to Duke in the newspaper interview she said:  “The idea of selling Puerto Rico was never seriously considered or discussed after Mr. Trump raised it.”

Examples: Trump has previously taken aim at Puerto Rican officials for their management of the billions in relief funds his administration has appropriated for storm recovery, accusing the island's leaders of spending some money for reasons other than hurricane clean-up.

In November 2018, White House officials told congressional leaders and appropriators that the President did not want any additional relief funding sent to the island.

Trump has consistently denied any fault for his administration in the aftermath of the storm. He in his typical style has instead sought praise for his handling the hurricane in 2019, calling his efforts: “An incredible, unsung success” (in 2019).

My 2 cents: Not much to add to this incredible story except to simply say ladies and gentlemen we must vote him out in November. Please do your part any way possible, but legally of course.

His side’s shenanigans will be plenty – bet on that. We must be vigilant – all of us.

Thanks for stopping by.

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