Sunday, July 19, 2020

Trump Still Incorrigible: May Not Sign New Virus Relief Bill w/o Business Tax Cut

Fox Chris Wallace vs. Trump: Hard, but fair questions 
(Sunday July 19, 2020: W/H Patio)

Call this another Trump “Ho Lee Sheet” moment for sure – the story here from The Hill with this startling headline:

Trump says he might not sign new coronavirus relief bill without a payroll tax cut

Trump said Sunday (July 19) that he would consider not signing an upcoming coronavirus relief package if it doesn't include a payroll tax cut when asked about the bill telling Fox’s Chris Wallace:I’ll have to see, but yeah, I would consider not signing it if we don’t have a payroll tax cut.”

Trump insisted that “a lot of Republicans are in favor of a payroll tax holiday,” though some Republicans have been cool to the proposal since Trump floated it earlier this year. Democrats have opposed the idea of a payroll tax cut.

At this point here is the whole 40-minute interview video. Notice that Trump was sweating like he's in a pouring rain. Also, the video does have some very short Ads - sorry about that:

Trump on Fox with Wallace

Related to this new story is this remember when he signed the first relief bill on April 3, 2020 and reported on here from the Orlando Sentinel with this headline:

Congress’ coronavirus economic plan includes huge business tax breaks — some on profits dating to 2013

Trump has previously said he wants to see a payroll tax cut in the next coronavirus relief bill, and the White House suggested last week that the measure was non-negotiable.

White House spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement Thursday (July 16):As he has done since the beginning of this pandemic, President Trump wants to provide relief to hardworking Americans who have been impacted by this virus and one way of doing that is with a payroll tax holiday. He’s called on Congress to pass this before and he believes it must be part of any phase four package.”

Lawmakers return to DC this week following the July 4 recess and are expected to begin formal negotiations with the Trump administration on the next legislative package to address the impact of the coronavirus.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is expected to spearhead negotiations with Capitol Hill on behalf of the White House, with help from White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.

Trump then went to say that the next package also needed to include liability protections for businesses that reopen, something that Senate Republicans are expected to propose.

He told Chris Wallace:We do need protections because businesses are going to get sued just because somebody walked in. You don’t know where this virus comes from. They’ll sit down at a restaurant. They’ll sue the restaurant, the guy’s out of business. So, we do need some kind of immunity.” 

My 2 cents: Anything to please businesses – that is Trump’s trademark for deal making … at this time I’d have to say that that savvy or smart … after this pandemic is in the history books, okay, maybe but not now.

We see how hard ball he plays as our death toll keeps on rising and people keep on hurting. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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