Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Religious Leaders: Suing DEM Governors Demanding Reopen for Their Rights

Our rights trump all public safety and health rights
(Praise the Lord)

Churches across the country are filing lawsuits against Democrat governors who are not including them among the “essential” services that may immediately “reopen” as states move away from their coronavirus lockdown environments.

Oregon, California, Virginia, and Maine churches and faith leaders have filed lawsuits claiming the governors do not have authority to extend, indefinitely, stay-at-home orders against them. Failure to consider the churches as essential as liquor and box stores, they assert, amounts to discrimination and a violation of their First Amendment rights.

My 2 cents: Quick, simple, direct. Religious zealots give the impression that they are immune from COVID-19 since their First Amendment religious rights and beliefs protect them.

Ergo: They have never ending life and are totally safe we suppose, so, okee, dokee then.

We should pray for those misguided morons, and I say that with deep affection for everyone's First Amendment rights, but this is a stretch re: 100% protection by any measurement vis-à-vis this horrible virus pandemic.

They are misguided like the zealots under Jim Jones during the Jonestown Massacre” in 1978 ... all they need is a new supply of Kool Aid and cyanide to prove their point, I guess?

Thanks for stopping by.

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