Friday, May 15, 2020

DeVos Education Secretary: Worse in American History Now Her Latest Stunt

DeVos Seen Through White House Window
(Behind bars would be a better Fit)

Her latest lousy policy stunt reported on here from the Daily Beast and NY Times:

When Congress set aside $30 billion for education institutions facing ruin because of the coronavirus pandemic shutdowns, it’s pretty clear this is not what they had in mind.

DeVos is reportedly throwing millions of federal dollars that were intended mainly for public schools and colleges at private and religious schools (also according to The New York Times linked below).

About $350 million of funding has reportedly been allocated to small colleges, many of which are private or religious, regardless of need. For example, the Wright Graduate University for the Realization of Human Potential in Wisconsin, which has a completely normal website that denies claims it’s a cult, has reportedly received about $495,000. The source for their report is here.

DeVos has reportedly also used $180 million of the relief to encourage states to create “micro-grants” that parents can use to pay for educational services, including private-school tuition.


This story from The New York Times.

My 2 cents: When DeVos had her senate confirmation hearings, VP Pence had to cast the tie breaking vote (51-50) for her to win. That was the first and only time in American history that a VP had to vote that way for a nominee.

That shows her lack of confidence from many Senators and boy has it gotten worse since she actually took office. She should resign now, or somehow be removed from office. She is a total disaster and she has an awful record to prove, too. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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