Tuesday, April 7, 2020

W/H Communications Shakeup: Get New 2020 Message to Fluff & Please Trump

New Press Secy Stephanie Grisham
(July 2019 — A Happy Lark)

She Never Held One Press Briefing
(April 2020 — Now Sad Sack)

This update on the following story — interesting points on the new W/H Press Secretary. 

B/L: She is the wrong person for this job at this point in time: 

This from Trump’s new Press Secy, Kayleigh McEnany (age 31) – she is just like Trump and he loves her style. Here are some examples of McEnany spreading misinformation about the novel coronavirus and COVID-19:
·       March 11, McEnany appeared on Fox and said the campaign was still intending to hold rallies despite virus concerns was told that other campaigns were not holding events since Dr. Fauci had advised against them, she said: “The president is the best authority on this issue.”

Here are some other past examples of McEnany’s deceit:

·       August 2016, McEnany tried and spectacularly failed to defend Trump’s idiotic claim that Obama founded ISIS.
·       McEnany accused Obama of golfing after journalist Daniel Pearl's murder. Pearl was murdered in Pakistan in 2002.
·       When Trump interrupted a phone call with a foreign leader in 2017 to flirt with a female reporter, McEnany told CNN: “The press should be applauding the fact that he's bringing reporters into the Oval Office, calling them out and including them.”
·       McEnany defended Trump’s empty lawsuit against CNN and The Washington Post, accusing the news organizations of knowingly published false information to hurt Trump.
·       March 2018, she said Trump was “exactly right” that welfare recipients should feel enough shame to motivate themselves off of government assistance. 
·       When a Trump super-fan mailed pipe bombs to prominent Democrats, public figures, and CNN personalities in 2018, McEnany told Fox News that “CNN is culpable for driving up this division and this rhetoric.”
·       When the Access Hollywood tape containing audio of Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women was released in 2016, McEnany told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that Trump’s language “Implies consent because he said: They let you do it.” 
·       When Trump said in 2016 that if his daughter were sexually harassed at work that she should find a new job, McEnany defended him, saying that it is “the same advice I would give to my sister.”
·       McEnany lied about Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg's position on abortion.
·       Appearing in an August 2016 CNN panel with two Black men, McEnany said that the “Confederate flag now symbolizes Southern pride.” 
·       Shortly before the 2016 election, McEnany said Trump “doesn’t want a scenario where there’s New Black Panthers outside with guns, essentially like intimidating people from coming into the polls.” 
·       After McEnany pushed claims about voter fraud in October 2016, the rest of the CNN panel called her out for lying. 
·       McEnany celebrated the administration’s rollback of protections for trans-Americans received standing ovation at the 2017 CPAC.
·       February 2017, McEnany pushed the false right-wing trope of men pretending to be trans-women in order to attack women. 
·       September 2016, McEnany said Trump shouldn’t be “goaded into releasing his tax returns, because Democrats will use them against him.” 

·       McEnany claimed after Trump won the 2016 election that it’s “unfair to ask Trump to divest from his businesses because that would be depriving his children of their livelihood.”

Original Story follows: Breaking Story from CNN.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham is leaving the job without ever having briefed the press (but she always found plenty of time to appear on Fox). 

Grisham is returning to the East Wing as first lady Melania Trump's chief of staff just as Trump’s new and 4th Chief of Staff Mark Meadows (R-NC) (big shot in the *GOP’s House “Freedom Caucus” wing of congress) shakes up the communications team in the West Wing.

*Freedom Caucus: The group, which includes many veterans of the Tea Party movement, was formed in January 2015 with the declared aim of pushing the GOP house leadership more right on certain fiscal and social issues.

More broadly, they want power shifted away from the leadership to the rank-and-file, e.g., give committees more leeway on which bills to move forward and to allow more amendments to come to floor votes.

Meadows is currently considering several candidates for the press secretary job, including Trump campaign spokeswoman **Kayleigh McEnany.

** More on McEnany: On the February 25, 2020 edition of Trish Regan's show on Fox Business Network, McEnany praised Trump's handling of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic, saying: “We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here ... and isn't it refreshing when contrasting it with the awful presidency of President Obama?”

My Note: That comment is right in line with Trump's constant belittling and bashing of Mr. Obama based on his raw hatred and blind jealousy of the former President.

Meadows also considering hiring Alyssa Farah, currently at DOD for a communications role, among others. Farah has held several roles in the Trump administration. After leaving her job as the spokeswoman for the House Freedom Caucus to become Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary, Farah moved to the Pentagon last August. But this would be her first position in the West Wing, and she has remained close with Meadows since her days with the Freedom Caucus.

Grisham meanwhile, who still speaks with first lady Melania Trump on a daily basis, is returning to where she has spent the majority of her time in the administration, the East Wing.

FYI: As I noted above, she took over from Sarah Huckabee-Sanders in July 2019 and for 9 months never held one press briefing … wow!!!

Grisham did not immediately respond to a CNN request for comment.

My 2 cents: Noteworthy is that fact that Trump now via new CofS Meadows is bringing in tons of ultra-right-wingers to the White House communications arm to liven things up as it were to fit Trump 2020 image and fluff him 24/7, or so it appears that way as clear as a bell.

Things with that crew on board is apt to get real testy and very nasty, deceitful, and under-handed. We will have to wait and see, but hang on tight — the 2020 road ahead will be very muddy, slippery, and ugly.

Thanks for stopping by.

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