Friday, April 10, 2020

Trump Con-Artist Par Excellence: Proof Positive in His Own Words Not "Fake"

Surrounded by Like-Minded People
(That explains our national woes)

Start this post by watching this ABC video clip (about 2-minutes) – titled:

U.S. Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as Last November Sources Say

I bet you have not seen yet this clip – I know I missed it, but the Coronavirus spread in Wuhan China was reported to the White House last November (and that is contrary to all W/H statements including from Trump and others starting in January 2020) – that video:

Then this pretty amazing video from The Recount: Trump’s Coronavirus Calendar – must watch here also in his own words.
Now, the main story today, also from ABC News via MSN 

The Coronavirus Relief Fund Allocation and specifically how the Treasury Department will be accountable (re: with Jared Kushner’s lead role) for the $500 billion from the coronavirus relief fund that the department would be administering to large businesses. 

Trump had a blunt, yet predictable answer to reporter’s question regarding that: “Look, I’ll be the oversight. I’ll be the oversight.”

Then ten days later, Trump announced he would be nominating a lawyer in the White House counsel’s office, Brian Miller, to serve as the special IG for the pandemic recovery money allocation and necessary accountability. 

That move has infuriated some Democrats who were quick to condemn the nomination of a White House lawyer for a role that is typically nonpartisan and independent. Miller also previously played a role in rebuffing investigations into the military aid withheld from Ukraine that led to Trump's impeachment.

Democrats are not only looking into how the unprecedented allocation of stimulus money would be distributed to states and businesses, but also what warning signs officials may have issued that could have prevented the scale of the current crisis and whether the administration was under-prepared. 

In response, the Trump White House is already moving to plan its defense ahead of the potential congressional probes, according to sources familiar with the administration's work.

Trump of course is no stranger to fervent resistance of congressional oversight. In 2018, White House counsel Pat Cipollone assembled a team of more than a dozen lawyers, led by his deputy Mike Purpura to focus solely on handling congressional inquiries and investigations. That team with Trump’s personal attorneys secured his acquittal by the Republican led Senate during the impeachment trial.

Now, this time, the same team of players will be leading this oversight charge. Lawyers in the White House counsel's office are spearheading oversight matters, with assistance from VP Mike Pence’s counsel – all working with other government agencies — like HHS and DHS — to set the groundwork for what they anticipate Congress will have interest in investigating, sources say.

My 2 cents: We hear all the time all over the place from GOPer how DEMS want to investigate this or that and work to remove Trump from office ever since he was elected… well based on the three year track record of this administration and the story above – we now know why that label sticks perfectly.

The DEM’s are 100% correct to pursue their congressional and constitutional right for oversight of this administration, or for any administration in the future, - now more important now than ever in our nation’s political history.

In short: Trump is known for his corrupt ways, and for surrounding himself with corrupt individuals (that list is well-known about his personnel being fired or resigned due to corrupt activities). A very long list.

Check this story from Politico, and here an excellent expose from the NY Times same subject: Corrupt activities by Trump Empire, Inc.

So, it’s no surprise why he wants sole oversight of the virus relief funds – money goes to his bigshot pals who later in turn will help him stay in office. Quid pro quo bigtime, plain and simple.

Thanks for stopping by.

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