Saturday, April 4, 2020

Jared Kushner: DINC (Dufus-in-Charge) of White House COVID-19 Response Policy

The 1,000 yard stare: What the hell am I doing here???
(Old Marine Expression for Someone Totally Lost)

Photo added for below story: Kushner Lost in Place

This update supplements the post that follows and it comes from the NY Times (via MSN News). Here in part and is relevant to the full crisis we still face with COVID-10:

Trump’s decision to take a back seat to the states by leaving it to them to decide whether to shut down public life and insisting they take the lead in addressing shortages amounts to a remarkable deference by a president who typically makes himself the center of the action.

It also contrasts with his own self-description as a wartime president leading a great battle against an invisible enemy. It underscores both pragmatic and political imperatives for Trump, reflecting a traditional federalist approach that eschews imposing a one-size-fits-all national standard on states. 

But it also shows the president’s desire to blame the governors rather than accept any responsibility for shortages of ventilators, masks and other critical supplies.

Trump has also tried in recent days to blame states for shortages of medical equipment saying on Friday (April 3): “They should have had more ventilators.”

Then Kushner said at the Thursday (April 2) task force briefing that the federal stockpile was not for states to rely on, adding: “The notion of the federal stockpile was it’s supposed to be our stockpile. It’s not supposed to be states’ stockpiles that they then use.”

Ironically and sadly, too, the very next day, the description on the HHS website re: Strategic National Stockpile was altered evidently to reflect that viewpoint. 

More on that from Rolling Stone here.

Full story at the NY Times link and as noted in the article a very special kudos goes to: journalist Laura Bassett who first noticed the revision.

The HHS website now clearly says: “…the role of the stockpile is to supplement state and local supplies during public health emergencies. Many states have products stockpiled as well. The supplies, medicines and devices for lifesaving care contained in the stockpile, can be used as a short-term stopgap buffer when the immediate supply of adequate amounts of these materials may not be immediately available.”

My 2 cents: What a sad, sad commentary for our country to now see in full bloom this insane Trump-Kushner family wrecking the very foundation between right and wrong, good and bad, evil and heroic – 

They are surely flushing us all down the proverbial drain – who can stop this madness but more importantly, when? Certainly the GOP can't and worse they won't even try to hold Trump and now Kushner accountable - why is that? Obviously, they are scared to death of Trump.

The Original Post Starts Here: Don't take my word for it - take the word of a seasoned GOP official who says Kushner is in way over his head. 

The highlights:

The story is here from a veteran Republican campaign official is raking Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner over the coals for taking on a major role in the White House coronavirus task force despite being totally unqualified for the position.

Attorney Lloyd Green, who served as opposition research counsel to George H.W. Bush’s 1988 presidential campaign and then worked at the DOJ in the early ’90s, writes in The Guardian that Kushner’s presence on the task force is literally putting more Americans at risk.

In particular, Green thrashes Kushner for claiming that NY doesn’t need all the ventilators it’s been requesting writing in part:The princeling has helped place American lives and bodies on the line. New York’s hospitals have become combat zones, its morgues and funeral homes look like abattoirs. Meanwhile, the U.S. is locked down and the administration is projecting up to a quarter-million dead even if everything goes right. American carnage is now.”

Story continues at the Guardian link.

My 2 cents: As Gomer Pyle would say…

But, who didn’t already know about Kushner … he is a totally incompetent and inept ass about most anything he touches or takes charge of whether government operations and policy, or his own private business deals loaded with debt.

But he is a real Trump sycophant (ass-kisser) and of course fav son-in-law.

Overall, he is dismal failure just like Trump and both are in deep debt but, remember Trump told us he would only hire the best to serve the public — apparently he meant just like himself. 

How's that working out? I'd say pretty pathetic.

Thanks for stopping by.

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