Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Trump Mandate (it seems): CDC & FEMA Have Reopen Plan According to His Promise

Reopen date is con just like Trump U. His base swallows it
(Hook, Line, and Sinker)

Trump is a very shrewd, slick, talented, and skilled con man, and a first class hypocrite.  Cite his latest line of BS based on this story about reopening by May 1st reported on here from the Washington Post - key part follows. 

CDC and FEMA officials have worked on the public health response for at least the past week, and the resulting document has been discussed at the White House including by members of the coronavirus task force, according to two administration officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. 

The goal is based on Trump’s desire for a detailed plan on reopening the country ready within days so he can issue suggestions for some states to reopen May 1. 

Trump said: “The plans to reopen the country are close to being finalized.” (At the April 14 White House task force briefing).

Trump also said he planned to speak with all 50 governors very shortly and would then begin “authorizing individual governors to implement a very powerful reopening plan” at a specific time and date for each state. 

I Note: Trump saying he will be authorizing the governors to implement reopening plans implies that he has the authority to authorize them to act as he orders them to do in the first place and that is 100% false. He does not have such an authority. See my related post here on this very subject in part II of the Jonathan Turley’s input.

Trump also said roughly 20 states have avoided the crippling outbreaks that have affected others, and he hinted that some could begin restarting their economies even before May 1, adding: “We think we’re going to be able to get them open very quickly. We will hold the governors accountable. But again, we’re going to be working with them to make sure it works very well.”

My 2 cents: So, Trump says “I will hold the governors accountable” – ho hum, how about us holding you accountable for your early nearly two-month delay and inaction that got us deeper and deeper in this crisis that costs hundreds of lives every single day. All the while he keeps trying to to dig himself out the hole that he dug that keeps getting deeper and deeper. 

Trump says that as if he has the “authority to fire any governor who does not follow his orders…” What a crock…!!!

The man is truly incorrigible and has been his whole adult life – it’s in his DNA – he can’t help himself.

W/H Chef call to Trump: Sir, dinner is ready

The governors will act on their own with their own authority without Trump’s oversight or supervision while continuing to seek sorely needed Federal aid and assistance (*PPE and such) which he gives them piecemeal – why I do not know, except for a 2020 favor.

Thanks for stopping by.

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