Thursday, April 16, 2020

Armed & Dangerous: Fight Against COVID-19 or Resist Government Safety Measures

Lansing, MI: Armed and Ready for What
(Defend the nation, Save Democracy, or Be a Gun Nut)

My intro and FYI to this story. There are no First Amendment protections if anyone advocates or directs to incite and produce imminent lawless action that is likely to incite or produce such action. 

Likewise to conspire to commit a crime is a crime.

Conspiracy spewing over Talk Radio from anti-this or against that awful government law, rule, or action is downright dangerous if armed demonstrators are involved.

… Such conspiracies can catch on quickly. They usually take part of a valid story, then nitpick it for their need and spread it too like a virus to conspiracy nuts twisting the facts with dangerous opinions for the outcome they seek.

This story from MI: Thousands of protesters (many armed and seen above) both in cars and on foot flouted Michigan’s “stay-at-home orders” and demanded the state reopened, many shouting and saying: “It’s time for our state to be opened up. We’re tired of not being able to buy the things that we need, go to the hairdressers. It’s time to open up.”

Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) was the main target of armed pro-protesters many chanting Trump-style (Hillary Clinton 2016 era): “Lock her up” on the steps of Lansing, MI town hall.

Whitmer responded hours after the protest saying she understood the frustration saying: But the sad irony about the demonstration was that it could have further spread the virus,” concluding that it created the need to extend Michigan's “stay-at-home order.” 

Thus far, 1,900 Michigan residents have died due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

My 2 Cents: Right up front – I am not against protestors or demonstrators if their cause is worthy, their actions are not violent, and the calm remains in place even with high emotions … 

I am strongly against armed action or threats seen in the photo above and demands, under a gun barrel, to make government reverse course and reopen regardless of sound rational medical advice while this deadly still spreads. 

Those men in the photo are not protected themselves and therefore obviously are not concerned about exposure to the virus or spreading it themselves to others is visually apparent. How insane is that? Plenty I have to say.

Then we will probably hear more and more calls for armed protests against government actions to stay at home and stop the spread or else. Or, else what? Die by their bullets or die by the runaway virus?

This is also a very serious part of this very major crisis we face. Men armed to the teeth demanding reversal of a national and global health policy to stay home and keep people safe is growing. One word comes to mind about: Insanity *Run Amok.

Def: Run amok used to refer to the behavior of someone who, in the grip of strong emotion, obtains a weapon and begins attacking people indiscriminately, often with multiple fatalities. An episode of amok may be triggered by a period of depression or highly aggressive behavior such as that in Lansing to violate “stay-at-home” policy.

This really is a very bad change of events – will Republicans speak out against these armed intentions? Probably not as most of them are like scared rabbits about the NRA withholding big donations for them  to stay in office to then shield the NRA – that is truly quid pro quo.

Thanks for stopping by.

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