Wednesday, July 3, 2019

America Since July 4, 1776: 243 Years Standing for Global Freedom and Justice

Freedom, Individual Rights, Equality, and Rule of Law
(What we have, not what Trump wants)

Trump always the showman – trying to keep his ratings up while outdoing anyone else.

Once again, he wants this 4th of July to be his 4th of July — his crowning 2020 campaign event kick off, but mostly to top France’s Bastille Day parade (July 2017) which hypnotized him as he watched. He wants to outdo them no matter the cost.

Note this article on the cost: Trump boasted that his Independence Day celebration will be “the show of a lifetime” and defended concerns about its cost, saying that it will be “very little compared to what it is worth.” 

Trump administration officials have refused to say how much taxpayers will have to pay for the expanded celebration on the Mall this year, which the president has dubbed the “Salute to America.”

His recent remarks and a comparison to other presidents on this #1 holiday in the country: “The Pentagon & our great Military Leaders are thrilled to be doing this & showing to the American people, among other things, the strongest and most advanced Military anywhere in the World. Incredible Flyovers & biggest ever Fireworks!”  — Trump tweet

Past presidential July 4th events:

·       FDR, in 1936 went to Monticello, VA for eulogy of Thomas Jefferson.
·       Gerald Ford, in 1976, went to Valley Forge, PA to sign legislation transferring management of the park to the National Park Service.  
·       George W. Bush, in 2004 went to Charleston, WV to praise troops fighting in Iraq and the National Guard.
·       Jimmy Carter, in 1977 returned from Camp David to view fireworks from the White House balcony.
·       Barack Obama, in 2010 threw a barbecue for some 1,200 military personnel on the South Lawn of White House.
·       Ronald Reagan, in 1987 was the last president to preside over an Independence Day themed event when he spoke on July 3 at the Jefferson Memorial to announce a new “economic bill of rights.”
·       Richard Nixon, in 1970 with his Independence Day “Honor America Day” on July 4, 1970 at on the National Mall flopped. That event devolved into riots as police tear gassed anti-war protesters. Nixon was still in California, but, he taped a message played on the National Mall that evening.

Note: This event is expected draw Trump backers and protesters which is simply his 2020 campaign plan.

The cost?  The event he wanted for 2018 was estimated at some $90 million but was cancelled and smaller events occurred. Now he wants the full load. (Cost article here).

My 2 cents: Let’s face it, this is nothing but another Trump campaign rally in disguise as an event for all Americans – now about to be under his TV show glimmer and thumb.

This is a typical Trump stunt and ploy to say out front and center stage in the limelight not matter what the cost or outcome – he will milk it to his advantage and for no one else.

Shame on him.

Thanks for stopping by.

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