Saturday, June 29, 2019

Trump Lies a Historical Perspective: From Fact Checkers Who Track Trump Lies 24/7

Impossible to Dispute this Truism About Trump

Decent time to review the public record seen here from the Washington Post’s fact checkers (not up to date BTW, but very an accurate set of facts nevertheless) and this ties into my related post here (re: Trump’s most-recent lie about Mueller).

We maintain the database by closely reading or watching Trump’s myriad public appearances and television and radio interviews. The interviews are especially hard to keep up with, in part because the White House does not routinely post on them on its website.

Moreover, Trump tends to seek out right-leaning interviewers who rarely challenge him or question him when he repeats false claims that have already been fact-checked. The interviews thus often contain a torrent of misleading claims, and we despair that supposed journalists are not confronting the president about his rhetoric.

So we were amused to see a foreign leader fact-check the president on his Asian trip in November 2017. On November 13, Trump met with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo AbeWhen he started to repeat one of his favorite false claims that the United States has “deficits with almost everybody.” 

PM Turnbull interjected: Except us.”

Trump said: Except with you. You’re the only one.” 

Trump then quickly suggested that Turnbull check his figures, but Turnbull just as quickly assured him: “It’s real.”

FACTS: Indeed, the United States has a goods trade surplus of $13 billion and services trade surpluses of $15 billion with Australia. That is largely because of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), and according to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. Trump would like us to assume that he was joking when he said Australia was the “only one.”

For the record: The United States has trade surpluses with the Netherlands, the UK, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, Hong Kong, Chile, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE among other countries, according to the International Trade Commission.

My 2 cents: Again I ask: How can anyone trust or believe anything that Trump says? 

His record speaks for itself – sadly Trump cannot. Yet, his loyalists stick with him through thick and thin – no matter the issue and lie or denial.

Never in American history and indeed in world history perhaps has any world leader ever lied this much. So congrats, Mr. Trump – this is a real title you can brag about in all honesty and be correct. Congrats...!!!

Thanks for stopping by.

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