Friday, July 6, 2018

Scott Pruitt Out at EPA: It's About Time Why This Long, Mr. Trump, Really Why

Relentless Fake Media Attacks on Me, my Family, my Dignity 
(I'm Outta Here)

GTFO — Post Haste Would be Just Fine

Scott Pruitt finally out at EPA: It’s about time, long overdue, yet Trump said many times about Pruitt.

In April: “He’s been very courageous. Hasn’t been easy, but I think he’s done an absolutely fantastic job. I think he’ll be fine.”

In June: “Scott is doing a great job despite being attacked very viciously by the press.”

(I Note: Hence the need for tactical pants and bullet-resistant car seats, I presume).

Trump’s Tweet on the announcement:

“I have accepted the resignation of Scott Pruitt as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Within the Agency Scott has done an outstanding job, and I will always be thankful to him for this. The Senate confirmed Deputy at EPA, Andrew Wheeler as the acting Administrator of the EPA. I have no doubt that Andy will continue on with our great and lasting EPA agenda. We have made tremendous progress and the future of the EPA is very bright!”

July 5, 2018 3:37 pm

Introduction from fine somewhat comical in truth article on Scott Pruitt finally out at EPA – a few of the highlights from Dana Milbank at the Washington Post – who always does good work:

(I note: All of the stuff listed below clearly shows how Pruitt basically robbed and cheated the public of our tax dollars and trust – must be a “conservative” thing, you thing – no wonder they want in government so badly – and they always talk about DEMS getting “free stuff” – shame on them – but they are natural hypocrites – so it’s easy to explain).

From the article what Pruitt basically pillaged and plundered:

1. He spent some $4.6 million on security, enlisting a round-the-clock detail that followed him everywhere, even to Disneyland and Italy, whisking him from his office — where a $43,000 soundproof phone booth cocooned him and a panic alarm connected him directly to the security office — to the $50-a-night room in a condominium that he had rented from a lobbyist.

2. He clothed his security agents in $2,750 worth of “tactical pants” and “tactical polos,” the Intercept reported.

3.  He got them $88,000 worth of security radios, holsters and travel charges.

4.  He let it be known that he liked to travel around with police lights flashing and the siren blaring — the better to avoid traffic — and this undoubtedly improved the experience in the Chevy Suburban with bullet-resistant seats that he leased for $10,200 a year.

5.  He made sure his guards were equipped, on the ground, with a $931 breaching kit of the type they used to break down the door to his lobbyist-owned condo when he was napping and staff grew panicky that they could not reach him.

6.  In the air, he flew first class to minimize his contact with passengers who might “endanger his life.”

7.  Even the administrator’s skin was well protected; he dispatched his security detail to the Ritz-Carlton to find him the scented lotion he required.

You're shocked — what about the public, um???

Milbank’s summary:

Yet he survived — for 503 days from swearing-in to resignation. That’s an eternity in the Trump administration. Anthony Scaramucci set the standard, lasting just 10 days in his job managing White House communications. If we take Scaramucci’s 10-day figure to be the standard of measurement — one “mooch” — then Pruitt survived an amazing 50.3 mooches, even while enduring more than a dozen scandals, any one of which would have doomed a lesser man.

How did Pruitt do it for so long? Some say it’s because he was effective at the EPA, where he did a very skillful job of not enforcing environmental regulation

Others point to his prodigious sycophancy: having his staffers seek out a used mattress from the Trump International Hotel, dining so often at the White House mess that he was urged to eat elsewhere, and letting it be known that he would be willing to fire special counsel Robert Mueller if Trump fired Jeff Sessions as attorney general and gave Pruitt the job on an acting basis.

But I think a third explanation may account for Pruitt’s longevity in the face of insurmountable scandal. While the media, and the Democrats, were getting all worked up about the mattress and the lotion and Chick-fil-A and Disneyland and the phone booth and the bulletproof seats and the rest of Pruitt’s penny-ante corruption, relatively little attention was going to the emoluments, which are of much greater value: Ivanka Trump’s trademarks and Jared Kushner’s investors and foreign governments pumping millions into Trump properties.

Now Pruitt is gone, and Trump is about to be caught with his tactical pants down.

My 2 cents: From a government ethics watchdog (CREW) one word about Pruitt leaving – it’s a keeper.

A biggie at EPA – from the science-deniers basically – pick and choose what and whom to believe.

The key question is of course despite Trump telling the public “I’ll have the best people ever in government working for you” he stood by this scumbag of a human being – why? Oh, I get it – they are so much alike that Trump couldn’t fire himself, I see, I see. Case closed,

– So, who’s next: Kelly, Mattis, Conway (no way), or how about Pence (?) wouldn’t that be something? 

Well, I’m done for now, and so is this administration. They are collectively the very worst in American history hands down.

Thanks for stopping by.

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