Saturday, July 7, 2018

Dubke, Hicks, Scaramucci, Spicer Out: New Message Chief is Bill Shine from FOX

Bill Shine and wife Darla: He will run W/H Communications Office
(Sean Hannity finger prints all over this) 

The Trump administration welcomed the new White House Communications Chief, Bill Shine, who was former FOX News co-president and his wife, Darla, pictured above. 

Who is Bill Shine? His background here from Vox: Seems with all tied to him that he fits the Trump mold about only “choosing the best” to a Trump Tower Tee as it were?

However, there seems to some concern that his wife, Darla, might be a tad racist. Cite this rundown about her on that here from Mediaite:

Most-Noteworthy: Darla Shine deleted her twitter account, @darlashineas soon as the White House announced that her husband, Bill, was officially joining the Trump administration. 

Wow – why would she do that? Well, let’s take a closer look shall we? First clue is to look at the tweets she thought she had deleted with her account that are posted at Mediaite link above.

My 2 Cents: Memo for Mrs. Shine: 

Deleting just about any account these days (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, el al) does not mean the stuff on them is gone, too. 

Lots of residue (e.g., personal photos as we now know) and various screen grabs (like in your case) are still out there in cyberspace stored on someone’s device(s).

So, Darla: you might oughta about right now pull a Rick Perry and say “oops” because “Screengrabs R Us” arrived (I just made up that name) and they have found you and your stuff. The posts she thought she had deleted with her account are seen here at Mediaite … sure quite a sight to see and read. I wonder what the White House thinks about that disclosure?

Also, in closing, I wonder if she has any impact on or influence with her husband on such strong views seen in her posts?

What I mean is most couples agree on a lot of thing (and sometimes disagree on some), so are they on the same page on those issues that Darla stands for or against?

It would be nice to know since Shine himself will be putting the “shine” on all official White House messages – that is: Messages out to the country and world.

Is this an important issue, or not? I happen to think it is. But, time will tell. I mean, old Old Bill Shine may not last long like so many before him in that slot.

Thanks for stopping by. 

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