Sunday, July 8, 2018

Trump Synonyms: Bluffer, Con-Artist, Faker, Phony, Pretender, and Skilled Smoothie

Trump Seeks DOL waiver to hire more immigrants

Introduction to our hypocrite president now sitting in the White House: Donald J. Trump – flashback to July 12, 2015 in Phoenix (from at one of his early rallies;

It wasn’t exactly the 9,000 people Trump said would show up to his rally in Phoenix. 

The number, in fact, was less than half of that. But around 4,000 people still gathered to hear the real estate mogul, reality star, and presidential contender spout xenophobic words like: “I love the Mexican people … I respect Mexico … but the problem we have is that their leaders are much sharper, smarter, and more cunning than our leaders, and they’re killing us at the border.”

(I note: So, how do we measure all that with what has happened since — that is in his words and his deeds. What device, tool, gauge, or instrument fits the task to figure out Donald J. Trump)?

This probably will fit the bill 

According to Politico (at that Phoenix rally), Trump said:  “They’re taking our jobs. They’re taking our manufacturing jobs. They’re taking our money. They’re killing us.”

(I note: You want real pathetic irony? Read this (CBS news): Mar-a-Lago requests permission for more foreign workers during “Made in America” week).

According to a Buzzfeed report (July 5, 2018) re: Trump filings for more foreign workers (60 or more) at his properties and businesses: “They have sought to hire more than 480 foreign guest workers, including more than 240 for Mar-a-Lago since the start of his presidential campaign in June 2015.”

More on this Trump hypocrisy from The Hill here and National Memo here

My 2 Cents: Regardless of the support for Trump (about 30%) he is nevertheless a disgrace to the office, a shameful bully, a racist (re: women and immigrants), and anti-just about everything except what he and FOX approve of or advocate.

This view is not just my partisan rant, either. It is based on Trump's record while he was campaigning (the personal insults and name-calling and labels for opponents and the media mostly) noted above and still even since he took office on January 20, 2017. All that is unparalleled in American political history – indeed in our entire national history.

What to about it? Well, right now, not much. But, depending on the Mueller final report outcome (which I think will show obstruction of justice and coordination with foreign elements to have disrupted and influenced the 2016 election — the evidence I believe will be solid and compelling and ensure that even the current all GOP-run Congress would be obligated to remove him from office. But, that remains to be seen.

However, if the public – that is the vast majority of Americans ever wanted to reinforce the meaning that “your vote is your voice” well now would be that time.

Meanwhile, we have to wait see what and how all of that unfolds.

Stay tuned as always, and thanks for stopping by.

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