Tuesday, July 3, 2018

On Full Display: White House Hypocrisy, Hype, Harshness, Hatred, and Tap Dancing

Measure this ironic statement — impossible task, whew, boy
(Fox in the Trump House)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA: July 4, 1776 - July 4, 2018 
(242 years old and still strong)

(NoteThat Trump quote taken from his Davos World Economic Forum speech cited here then published on FOX News).

Background (Washington Post):  President Trump issued a proclamation today ordering flags flown at half-staff on federal buildings to honor the five victims of the Capital Gazette shooting in Annapolis, MD, the White House said. The decision follows a request over the weekend by Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley (D), who in turn said the request was initially not granted.

MY Q: Who initially denied the Mayor’s request? A critical question since only the president can order flags lowered to half-staff.

Now the W/H Tap-dancing: White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said the decision was made Monday night “as soon as the president heard about the request from the mayor.” Walters said that White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders spoke with Buckley both Monday night and Tuesday morning to alert him to the decision.

My Q re: the backlash from Trump who heard about the request: Did he also know who denied the request and it so, how and why in the President’s name was it denied? Plus, why is Trump playing dumb if he made the denial? This is critical question.

Mayor Buckley said he was disappointed to hear that his request would not be honored, adding: “Obviously, I’m disappointed. . . . Is there a cutoff for tragedy? This was an attack on the press. It was an attack on freedom of speech. It’s just as important as any other tragedy.”

My conclusion re the above questions: Who denied the Mayor’s request? Was it Mr. Trump himself then issued by a W/H staffer? I mean after all, we know that Trump has a viral hatred for the press (except FOX) and especially the print media with their "Fake News" he does not approve.

My final 2 cents: This very sad even and story again and in the same sickening way shows the Trump insensitive and cruel disregard for others. We need answers to the questions I pose. Mr. Trump is supposed to represent everyone American and those here legally waiting to become Americans.

He has a personal choice what to read and watch, but not use FOX or Alex Jones scripts to try and rule the country with daily conspiracies and to pick and choose policy for this narrow-minded base (who he hurts in the long run, too) – governing the country is not a game of chance or monopoly for one family to benefit.

Never in my lifetime have I seen any president even close to being as disgusting as this man. Nixon was horrible for sure. He paid a huge and right a just price. What Nixon did was strictly for political gain with the cover up since he was trying to prevent a political dirty tricks operation from being revealed and to minimize the political damage to his administration and necessarily pure personal spite. 

Trump on the other hand performs 24/7 not just out of spite but in an ugly, hateful and vicious way.

Thanks for stopping by.

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