Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Trump's Plan if He Wins: Project 2025 Architect Says Accept It or Face Civil War II

Heritage President Roberts Threatens Civil War II
(If Trump does not become King Donald 47)

Original Review of “Project 2025” is here from Raw Story  (November 27, 2023) with the below headline (edited and formatted to fit the blog):

A catastrophe: Expert pulls the lid off Trump's next-term master plan”

The plan was written by the very far right, rabid, and ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation – it has three major parts.

Part One: Install a deep bench of Trump loyalists into every government position, something for which the Heritage Foundation is already helping him recruit.

Part Two: Bring back his proposed Schedule F civil service designation which demolishing the current time-tested and effective merit-based hiring system of all civil service employees. That would make tens of thousands of career government employees subject to swift dismissal and replacement based  purely on their loyalty to Trump and NOT to their oath of office and to the Constitution and to the public, but only to Trump. 

Note: Doing that then, says every expert now in government says it would be “a catastrophe for government performance at all levels.”

Part Three:  It would “create a legal framework allowing Trump alone … to use government resources to protect himself, attack his political enemies, and force through his policy goals without congressional approval by installing loyalists in key government lawyer positions that would block his plans for anyone challenging it as being unconstitutional, unlawful, or illegal in any sense of the word.”

Updated: SCOTUS on July 1, 2024 basically has given Trump that ultimate power in their immunity ruling for his “official duties” – protecting him while in office as it were.

Summary: When values like transparency, legality, honesty, due process, fealty to the Constitution, and competence in job performance and service to the public as a whole are threatened, then so is our system of democracy and way of life would be eviscerated if Trump returns to power with an army of loyalists applying the above novel legal theory by imposing a political code of silence on any potential holdout(s).

Fact: Our bureaucracy is often slow and cumbersome, and the civil service system in particular is in need of modernization. But it is also suffused with democratic checks and balances that limit the abuse of centralized power under one person. This is why Trump and his supporters precisely target the administrative state (as they call it: the “Deep State”), taking advantage of an antipathy toward Washington that both parties have long nurtured.

UPDATED: What follows now is an update on all that above from Common Dreams with a very stark and very concerning warning from the “Project 2025 Architect who signals bloodshed if the left opposes Trump’s-Led Revolution.” 

That headline:

“The Second American Revolution is Now Underway and Will Remain Bloodless, if the Left Allows it to Be.”

The president of the right-wing group heading   Project 2025, Kevin Roberts, raised the specter of violence against those who refuse to capitulate to what he characterized as “The second American Revolution” ushered in by presumptive GOP nominee and would-be authoritarian Donald J. Trump.

Roberts, head of the Heritage Foundation, said in an appearance on “Real America's Voice” (linked below) that the coming “revolution will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be” — his thinly veiled threat against those who resist the far-right's efforts to seize power in 2025 should Trump win on 5, 2024.

Roberts’ remarks posted on X (formerly Twitter):

Click here to watch his remarks:

Trump said in April that whether there is violence surrounding the 2024 presidential election “depends on the fairness of the contest and the outcome.”

Roberts said:We are going to win. We're in the process of taking this country back” as he said that Project 2025 is “institutionalizing Trumpism in preparation for a possible victory in November.” 

He also hailed as “vital the U.S. Supreme Court's decision earlier this week bestowing what analysts and critics described as King-like powers on the presidency — powers that Trump already plans to exploit.

“Project 2025,” is a sweeping 922-page document that provides Trump with a detailed blueprint to advance his far-right agenda, including by purging career federal civil servants and replacing them with loyalists, and centralizing his power in the executive branch across all departments of government – top to bottom.

Kim Lane Scheppele, professor of sociology and international affairs at Princeton University, calls Project 2025 “a blueprint for autocracy” and characterizing it as: “A direct copy of the plan that Viktor Orban used to take over the Hungarian government in 2010.” 

She then added:If it is carried out, Project 2025 will concentrate huge power in the hands of the president, giving him the power to control the whole federal government at his whim.” 

Her assessment echoed that of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism, which warned in an analysis published late last year that: “The entire 2025 project is devoted to aggrandizing executive power by centralizing authority in the presidency, and a key aspect of democratic backsliding is viewing opposition elements as attempting to destroy the 'real' community, an essential aspect to quashing dissent.”

That analysis said: Project 2025 paints progressives and liberals as outside acceptable politics, and not just ideological opponents, but inherently anti-American and “replacing American values.” Targeting vulnerable communities is a core tenet of Project 2025, and it is very clearly on a path to Christian nationalism as well as authoritarianism.”

My 2 Cents: First of all, Heritage President Kevin Roberts is a crazy person of unsound mind and body and he probably should be investigated and prosecuted for some sort of treasonous statement regarding Civil War lI in our country if Trump does not get his way in running everything to do with our democratic form of government at least in my view. 

Hopefully, that's your view, too. Reminder of the pain and agony that Trump and “Project 2025” are apt to inflict:

From the “Project 2025” Plan for Trump to govern from: These 10 key points were summarized from Trump’s spring interviews with Time magazine entitled: “If He Wins, published April 30 in a Raw Story commentary by the editor of The Editorial Board, John Stoehr:”

1. “…build migrant detention camps and deploy the military at both at the border and inland.”

2. “…let red states monitor women’s pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans.”

3. “…withhold funds appropriated by Congress.”

4. “…fire U.S Attorneys who don’t carry out his prosecution orders.”

5. “…give pardons for every one of his supporters accused of attacking the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 (more than 800 of whom have pleaded guilty or been convicted by a jury that he calls hostages and patriots).”

6. “…might not come to the aid of an attacked ally in Europe or Asia if he felt that country wasn’t paying enough for its own defense."

7. “…gut the U.S civil service system (in effect since Teddy Roosevelt days).”

8. “…deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit.”

9. “…close the White House pandemic-preparedness office.”

10. “…staff his administration with acolytes who back his false sustained assertion that the 2020 election was stolen (I note: And, that he has never conceded losing, which is the first time for any presidential candidate).

Unfortunately, overcoming the identity crises of Trump’s supporters rooted in their economic anxiety as well as in the racial and gender resentment of his voters who are primarily white, not college educated, evangelical, and middle-class is exceedingly difficult.

Also, the Trump MAGA base subscribes to the false belief that the 2020 election was stolen… and that he is a persecuted victim rather than a convicted felon, and all the blame is heaped on President Biden and his DEM administration top to bottom. Which is 100% false by any measurement.

Enjoy the background and help get out the vote to stop Trump cold as the only way that “We the people show our power and weight.”

Thanks for stopping by.

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