Saturday, July 6, 2024

Insanity Run Amok: Trump Denies Knowing Anything About PROJECT 2025

Award winning liar and denial Champ 

Can't hear the truth when his ears are blocked

Great actor & related to Trump I presume

Trump doesn't know these former officials, um??

More Trump lies as he tries to distance himself from the Heritage Foundation’s President Kevin Roberts (re: my next post below), and his involvement putting together PROJECT 2025 for a new ultra-rightwing conservative Christian-based government after Trump wins (or so they say).

MSNBC’s Weekend show offers fact checking Trump’s denial of even knowing anything. Apparently Trump learned that skill from his German cousin, Sgt. Schultz (pictured above), or so it seems.

I suppose Trump denies knowing those former six officials (also seen above) who worked on PROJECT 2025 and who served under, too?

[Click here to view that excellent MSNBC Weekend Show]

Other news reporting with hard facts to dispute Trump’s denial:

·       AP News: Trump denies knowing about Project 2025, his allies' sweeping plan to transform the US government

·       The Guardian: Donald Trump claims to ‘know nothing’ about Project 2025

·       The Washington Post: Trump tries to distance himself from Project 2025 plan

·       Rolling Stone: Trump's Claim to ‘Know Nothing’ About Project 2025

·       Reuters: Trump seeks to disavow ‘Project 2025’ despite ties

·       The Daily Beast: Trump Ripped for Denying Project 2025 Connections  

My 2 Cents: Based on the above and more so now on Trump’s constant lies piled on top of lies.

I think those lies are now approaching 35,000 to date – all fact checked, too BTW.

So, how do we prevent that plan from being implemented and yes, wiping out 248 years of American democracy?

A simple question however, and with a simple answer: Vote to make sure Donald J. Trump never get anywhere near the Oval Office again.”

What is at stake – well simply put: Our very lives in our great country – one that “We the people” have to protect and ensure forever and not give in to this insane man and those who prop him up against what is right and sane that we face that is the insane and wrong.

I can’t say much more on this – it is too emotional even for me an old 30-year Marine who went to serve this nation honorably for 44 years and to also try my best to say in tune with reality. That reality now seems to be lost in the fog that Trump had blanketed over our entire nation, or so it seems and that is not hyperbole. I know I say that a lot and often in my posts, but the truth never hurts, does it?

Thanks for stopping by.

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