Sunday, July 23, 2023

Trump's 2024 Election Dream: Based on His Own Words & Backdoor Planning

How Trump sees himself post-2024 election

This post deserves a special front and center place to show just how awful this “new” Trump owned and operated GOP has become.

I originally linked the AP story below here on July 21, but after more thought and consideration since, I have decided to make it stand alone as we head into the 2024 election season full steam to be the worse in our political history even worse than 2020, even if that’s possible especially with the various harsh GOP voter suppression tactics in key states (e.g., NC is a great example) makes that entirely possible.

The below article is outstanding and the GOP players mentioned inside it deserve a closer look at least in my opinion to see how awful they truly are.

NOTEI highlight and or box off the key parts.

The AP story and their headline:

“Grassley releases full FBI memo with unverified claims about Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine”

By Lisa Mascaro (Published July 20, 2023)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) released an unclassified document that Republicans claim is significant in their investigation of Hunter Biden as they delve into the financial affairs of the president and his son, and revive previously debunked claims of wrongdoing.

Grassley has been working alongside House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) as Republicans deepen their probe of President Biden and his son, Hunter, ahead of the 2024 election.

The FBI form FD-1023 involves claims from a FBI confidential informant (CI) made in 2020 from Comer who had issued a subpoena for the document from the FBI. 

While lawmakers on the Oversight Committee have already been able to partly review the information, this is the first time from the full document — which contains raw, unverified information.

The CI alleges corrupt Hunter Biden business deals while serving on the board of Burisma in Ukraine.

Republicans have acknowledged they cannot confirm whether the information is true or not.

The document adds to information that had widely aired during Trump’s first impeachment trial, which involved Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani’s efforts to dig up dirt on the Biden’s ahead of the 2020 election.

It was also the subject of a subsequent DOJ review that Trump AG Barr launched in 2020 and closed later that year. Grassley’s office said the FBI told the senator the document was related to an ongoing matter.

Great retort from White House spokesman Ian Sams: “It is remarkable that congressional Republicans, in their eagerness to go after President Biden regardless of the truth, continue to push claims that have been debunked for years. These claims have reportedly been scrutinized by the Trump Justice Department, a Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney, and a full impeachment trial of the former President that centered on these very issues, and over and over again, they have been found to lack credibility. It’s clear that congressional Republicans are dead-set on playing shameless, dishonest politics and refuse to let truth get in the way.”

Sen. Grassley’s responded to the criticism about his newly-released document saying: “The American people can now read this document for themselves.”

My 2 Cents: I hope you enjoyed this rundown on the sustained craziness of this GOP-run house and their silly committees constantly after the Biden’s – that’s going nowhere fast after each hearing that show no shame nor regret.

Their goal is to work to get Trump back into the White House for his one-man rule dream and their rewards from him.

Trump's aim is simple: (1) to take over the entire government; (2) to pardon himself and everyone involved in January 6, (3) to go after and jail all his opponents; and (4) to cancel the DOJ and FBI and other key Federal departments thus crowning himself: Emperor Donald the 47th.

Again, this is not hyperbole – it comes from Trump’s own words in various public speeches and now are part of his ongoing plan with key players behind the scenes putting it together.

Those working on the plan are listed in this post with this subject line: Trump & GOP plan is called “Project 2025” — it’s their post 2024 election scheme to install Trump as America’s 1st Despot.

Trump’s own words, past actions, crimes, indictments, and now his future plans being worked on should be a wakeup call for every American regardless of their political views or persuasion. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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