Saturday, October 8, 2022

Trump Wants America in His Image: That Must Never Be Allowed to Happen

His narrow minded view with him on top
(It's mine, all mine)

Trump's main cast of characters
(Awaiting orders for another January 6)

The real Donald J. Trump from NY Times Pulitzer prize winner and recent author of book that digs deep into who Trump is and has become and wants to further be is Maggie Haberman seen in this short 7:00 minute video from CBS News.

What follows that video is a summary of notes vis-à-vis on how Trump wants to achieve his main goal and that is to become “The Emperor of America” – or so it seems.

Her book is stirring up things around Trump world, and that seems to have him on edge. Haberman’s book at Amazon:

“Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America”

Main story from various sources like SALON, ALTERNET, and AXIOS: Trump has endorsed candidates in most states all of whom share his baseless belief that the 2020 election was stolen from him, which, by the way, he still won’t stop talking about.

Key Introduction: Trump and his associates are systematically reshaping the Republican Party, working to install handpicked loyalists across federal and state governments and destroy those he feels have been disloyal, sources close to the former president all say.  

Why it matters: If most or all of Trump’s candidates win, he will go into the 2024 election cycle with far more people willing to do his bidding who run the elections in key states. He will also have a well-funded policy and political infrastructure and his own social media ecosystem. His apparatus touches everything from unseating governors, members of Congress, state legislators, and secretaries of state, to formulating policy and influencing local school boards.

Sources who have spent time with Trump at his Florida estate Mar-a-Lago say it’s impossible to carry out an extended conversation with him that isn’t interrupted by his fixations on the 2020 election.

He’s intensely focused on demands that Republicans “get smart” and pursue efforts to “audit” and overturn that result. “We try to get him onto other topics, but you always get dragged back,” said an adviser to the former president.

Republicans in state legislatures enacted dozens of voting laws this year—many designed in direct response to Trump’s 2020 postelection pressure. Trump cheered on Georgia’s sweeping voting bill, saying: “The GOP legislators learned from the travesty of the 2020 Presidential Election. Too bad these changes could not have been done sooner.”

Many bills have been introduced at the state level that will allow partisan actors to overturn election results and ensure that the GOP never loses again.

My 2 Cents: All that above and ongoing actions by Trump point to one single thing in my mind about Trump as I have said before and will continue to say: He is a clear and present danger to our entire democratic foundation as a world leader and strong democratic country.

Now more so we see a deeply divided nation that repair will take decades at least in my view – but we have recovered from worse.

However, changing the basic foundation of our democracy that is built on our elections being free, fair, safe, and secure is the bedrock of our survival and right now that too is on shaky grounds.

All that is egged on by Trump and his sustained “Big Lie” about 2020 having been stolen from him. Now that has spread to mostly all GOP-run states as I said with one goal and that is to change election laws to ensure that he and the GOP side never lose again.

Basic simple solution: The Supreme Court must rule 9-0 to preserve, protect, and defend our voting rights, which BTW is also their right, too.

Simply cut off Trump and his efforts and ASAP would be best for us all – at least in my view and I hope in yours, too.

Thanks for stopping by,

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