Sunday, October 16, 2022

GOP Copies Trump Lies: Setting World Records Just Like Him Every Single Day

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA): Wannabe GOP House Speaker & Liar-in-Charge

From the HILL this headline – as factual as possible:

“The Republicans’ second-biggest lie”

The biggest GOP-Trump lie of the midterm election, embraced by almost 300 Republican candidates, is that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump.

The runner-up is the lie now running on countless television commercials and campaign charges is that Democrats plan to send 87,000 armed IRS agents to harass middle-classAmericans and mom-and-pop small businesses.

That’s 180° wrong. 

True, as part of the “Inflation Reduction Act,” $80 billion was authorized for the IRS over 10 years. 

The IRS is a resource-starved agency: There are 20% fewer personnel at the IRS than a decade ago, a sharp cutback in the ability to answer taxpayer questions, and a general counsel’s office that’s smaller than any time in the last quarter-century. At the same time, there are 15 million more tax returns.

There may be something like 87,000 new employees (not IRS audit agents). 

Some will replace retiring or departing employees; others will be in human resources, on the legal team, and as IT specialists to modernize antiquated technology. 

There will be more audits, but most-predominantly of wealthy individuals and corporations since audits have been scaled back.

But, that doesn’t square with the Republican talking points. 

For example:

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) charges that 87,000 new agents will be more than the entire 81,000 British army. (Not only is the 87,000 figure made up, but the British army is an 112,000-person force, as the senator’s Intelligence Committee staff — or a simple Google search could have told him).

The scare tactics escalate.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) says the Democrats aren’t coming after billionaires and big companies: “They’re designed to come after small businesses and working families.”

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) warns of an IRS “strike force that goes in with AK-15s already loaded, ready to shoot” some small-business person in Iowa.

Ronna Romney McDaniel, RNC Chair, warns that the IRS “Would be a family attack. Democrats may send the IRS ‘SWAT teams’ after your kid’s lemonade stand.”

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), speaker wannabe, vows that if the GOP takes over the House, their first bill will be to repeal this legislation.

My 2 Cents: The full story is at the Hill site – worth reading for it shows the growing harshness and mean-spirited GOP anxious to take over the country anyway possible for revenge – as Trump has already promised by his expected 2024 return to power.

In a word: This harsh radical Trump owned and operated GOP must never be allowed to control government ever again. If so, their revenge tour would be endless and the suffering nationwide would be immense.

Thanks for stopping by


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