Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Wrath of Don: Trump Back With Another Multi- Million "Fake" Money $cheme


The money scheme (con) of non-existent fund 

Is Trump truly a skilled and corrupt con artist? Yes, he is and that is a proven fact. Below (as the chart above shows) is his most-recent con and it proves the point as reported on here from Business Insider and numerous other media sources with this headline:

Donald Trump is unlikely to get nailed with fraud charges over his campaign soliciting donations for a non-existent official election defense fund experts say

·  Legal experts say it's unlikely that Trump will be charged with fraud in connecting with his campaign's misleading emails.

·  Trump's campaign hit up supporters for cash in the name of a “non-existent election defense fund.”

·  The campaign's tactics are under renewed scrutiny after a January 6 committee hearing.

Trump's campaign repeatedly hit up supporters with ominous messages that repeated the then-president debunked claims about widespread election fraud.

The messages raked in record donations for the beleaguered president to the tune of more than $170 million before he even left office.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) serves on the panel, appeared to open the door to potential fraud claims after a top investigator for the committee documented how none of the hundreds of millions of dollars Trump's outfit raised in the months after the election went to supporting his various court fights.

Lofgren, who has served as a key investigator in impeachments dating back to Nixon, told reporters after the Monday June 13  hearing: It's clear that he intentionally misled his donors, asked them to donate to a fund that didn't exist and used the money raised for something other than what he said. Now it's for someone else to decide whether that's criminal or not.”

Experts told Insider that while Trump or his associates may have misled donors, but there are still crucial details that are still unknown about the fundraising strategy.

Key statement from Adav Noti, vice president and legal director at the Campaign Legal Center who previously served as the FEC’s associate general counsel for policy who said: “You need to prove to the jury that somebody authorized solicitations that said the money was going to be spent on election contests knowing that was false. You need to find the individuals, it wouldn't be enough for criminal purposes to say, here's what happened.”

The January 6 committee revealed previously undisclosed testimony from Trump campaign officials where they admitted that the ominous emails directing people to support legal challenges were more of a marketing gimmick than a serious effort to fund court battles related to the 2020 presidential election.

My 2 Cents: Time to press the DOJ to move on Trump and anyone else connected to him and his schemes before, during, and after January 6 and the 2020 election.

Justice matters and “no one is above the law” must be shown to the public. We need and deserve better than we see right now. At least in my view.

Thanks for stopping by.

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