Saturday, July 16, 2022

Oval Office Jan. 6 Plan: Flynn, Giuliani, Powell, Overstock Guy Was "Unhinged"

Jan. 6: Planned, approved, ordered, condoned

Sacrificial lambs lined up 
(Scapegoats to cover for Trump)

Fall guy #1 on Trump's hit list

Trump always has a backdoor out

No matter how one slices Trump’s fiasco of the January Capitol insurrection and as more details are presented and seen by the House Select Committee prove that Trump proposed, approved, planned, ordered, and condoned it along with his close knit circle of “crazies” during “their unhinged” Oval Office December 18th meeting as witnesses referred to it, and as it was explained below in this 12-minute January 6 committee video:

That group included Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn; Rudy Giuliani; Sidney Powell; the Overstock Guy, and several others. 

The evidence more and more clearly shows that Trump is the driver of the bus that he is now ready, willing, and able to throw anyone under it in order to save his own skin. This topic is addressed in this excellent article from Rolling Stone with this headline (formatted to fit the blog):

Exclusive: Trump’s Lawyers Think Mark Meadows is Going Down”

The January 6 Committee is probing the former Chief of Staff’s finances adding to a long list of legal headaches

As she opened the House January 6 committee hearing on July 12, vice chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) ticked through a list of names of people on the Trump legal team who have attempted to pin the blame for the Capitol attack, naming the president’s lawyers, MAGA-friend lawmakers, and others as culprits.

Mark Meadows, Trump’s former White House chief of staff, didn’t make the list — yet.

Trump’s inner circle increasingly views Meadows as a likely fall guy for the former president’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Members of Trump’s legal team are actively planning certain strategies around Meadows’ downfall — including possible criminal charges.

Trump has himself begun the process of distancing himself from some of his onetime senior aide’s alleged actions around January 6, and as Meadows’ legal prospects were bleak and apt to get worse. 

Rolling Stone has learned that the January 6 committee has been quietly probing his financial dealings, and any new revelations would add to an already long list of unethical and potential illegal actions he’s accused of taking on behalf of Trump.

A lawyer close to Trump said:Everyone is strategizing around the likelihood that Mark is in a lot of trouble. Everyone who knows what they’re doing, anyway.”

This reporting is based on Rolling Stone’s conversations with eight sources familiar with the matter, each of whom is still working in Trump’s political orbit, on his legal defense, or in Republican circles in regular contact with the ex-president. 

All those sources spoke on the condition of anonymity to candidly discuss sensitive matters, and a spokesperson for Meadows declined to comment.

For Meadows, it doesn’t help his case that he’s loathed by any number of his fellow Trump-world veterans, some of whom view him as a two-faced man prone to double-dealing and simply telling people what they want to hear.

Some of Meadows’ ex-colleagues and staff in Trump’s administration continue to hold grudges against him, partly because they see him as responsible for putting their lives and health in danger when he oversaw a period of rapid coronavirus spread in Trump’s White House towards the end of the presidency. 

Everyone knows that Trump himself is not long on loyalty, particularly when facing legal peril of his own. Trump’s team has already explored possible legal game plans about what would happen if Meadows faced additional criminal charges stemming from the events surrounding January 6, according to three people familiar with the situation.

And those discussions have at times focused on how to insulate Trump, should any significant charges against foot soldiers like Meadows actually materialize.

In recent weeks, Trump himself has casually dropped into conversations with some of his longtime associates that he didn’t always know what Meadows was doing during the months leading up to the riot or after his time in office, two sources with knowledge of the matter tell Rolling Stone.

Again, refer to Trump's backdoor graph above.

BTW: When Trump finds himself backed into a corner or a moment of legal jeopardy, he will often claim — however flimsily — that he barely knew a top aide who was doing his bidding, or that he didn’t know what his own personal lawyers were doing for him.

My 2 Cents: First of all, this all classic Trump -straight from this playbook on how to avoid responsibility himself - that it to ALWAYS blame someone else.

So, Mr. Meadows, the Trump “bus” is on the way to pick you up or whatever.

Recommend you to check the undercarriage as it were. I’m sure there will be room for you since “the Donald” owns and operates that exclusive bus line. So, sorry.

Everyone stay tuned – this is not over not by a long shot. But walls are closing in on Trump, Inc.

Thanks for stopping by.

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