Sunday, April 3, 2022

DOJ Aims at Trump & Cohorts: January 6 Probe Offers Proof & DOJ Now Acts

DOJ Closing on Trump & Capitol Insurrectionists

Well-documented and presented status of the January 6 Capitol insurrection planned and run by Trump and his cohorts as stated below by an experienced 25-year renowned and reputable former Federal prosecutor, Glenn Kirschner, in his excellent 17-minute presentation:

My 2 Cents and Related posts: Here and here – FYI.

DOJ had appeared to be moving too slowly for some people, but now it’s clear they have been thorough in compiling proof about Donald J. Trump and those very close to him for their planning, funding, and participation in the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection.

They are all going down – bet on it and rightly so.

Thanks for stopping by.


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