Monday, February 28, 2022

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI): Takes Long Walk Off Short Pier Right Into La-La Land


Sen. Ron Johnson - Neither Smart nor Bright
(He has the crazy statements to prove it)

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is a wild conspiracy nut just like the late former GOP Senator also from WI, Joe McCarthy. What is it with WI and U.S. senators like those two – must be the water, or he is Joe McCarthy reincarnated?

Case in point this latest BS from Johnson here from and this headline:

Ron Johnson blames Democrats’ Trump impeachment travesty for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine

Johnson on February 27 (and of course on FOX News) accused Democrats of paving the way for Putin to invade Ukraine.

According to the senator's somewhat tortured logic, the first impeachment of Trump, over his attempt to blackmail the Ukrainian president, somehow empowered Putin's aggression.

Johnson appeared on Fox News as numerous Republicans over the weekend issued statements blaming President Biden for Putin's aggression, even though it was Trump who sought to withhold defense aid — already authorized by Congress — from Ukrainian President Zelensky unless the latter helped Trump smear Biden in the 2020 election. Johnson spread the blame widely, suggesting that Biden, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, and impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman were all responsible after they tried to hold Trump accountable for the blackmail scheme led by Rudy Giuliani.

Johnson told Fox News: I don't think Vladimir Putin would have moved on Ukraine were it not for the weakness displayed ― certainly by the Biden administration, but by the West in general. I'm certainly hoping that Col. Vindman, Adam Schiff, and Nancy Pelosi ― who used Ukraine as a pawn in their impeachment travesty ― are also recognizing and reflecting about how they weakened Ukraine, the West, and weakened America by the divisive politics that they play.”

Johnson then added: “There's much blame to go around, but in terms of atrocities, that falls squarely on the shoulders of Vladimir Putin and his cronies.” 

Johnson notably did not place any of the blame on Trump, who himself withheld nearly $400 million in military aid in an effort to pressure Zelensky into launching an investigation into Biden's family over an alleged corruption scandal.

Congress had approved the aid to help Ukraine battle Russian aggression, and Trump finally released the money after coming under pressure from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle once the scheme was exposed.

At that time, Zelensky repeatedly sought a meeting with Trump, which the former president never granted, while repeatedly trying to ingratiate himself to Putin.

Zelensky was finally welcomed to the White House last year after Biden took office.

Johnson supported Trump during both of the former president's impeachment trials and played a key role in helping Trump stoke conspiracy theories about Russia and Ukraine.

In 2020, the FBI warned Johnson, who was then chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, of a Russian disinformation scheme involving Giuliani as a go-between

But Johnson just blew off the warning as “completely useless and unnecessary.”

Johnson then met with a former Ukrainian diplomat friendly to Russia, who pushed baseless allegations that it was the Ukrainian government, not the Russians, who had interfered in the 2016 election, as part of Johnson's effort to help Trump spin his connections to Russia during the 2019 impeachment proceedings.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who led Trump's impeachment proceedings in the House, wrote on Twitter that: “Johnson is clearly confused.”

Schiff continued: “It was Trump who withheld military aid from Ukraine. It was Trump who demanded a favor from Zelensky (get dirt on Joe Biden) in exchange for the aid. It was Trump who weakened Ukraine. And it was Senator Johnson who voted to acquit Trump. Sit this one out, Senator.”

RELATED: Army LTC Alex Vindman (Ret.): How Trump's coup attempt encouraged Putin's Ukraine invasion.

My 2 Cents: Why can’t people like Sen. Ron Johnson, the staunch Trump GOP base, and the growing number of members in Congress just wake up and see Trump for what he is truly is: A skilled yet very dangerous con artist selling snake oil that they all love to drink.

This is probably worse than the cyanide-laced punch drink that killed over 900 people at Jonestown as part of the Jim Jones cult … these Trump cult members are just a blind as that those in Jonestown were; only now with millions of followers not just a few hundred. All this is very worrisome to witness in our country. It will get worse, bet on it.

This story above proves my point. Stay alert and helpful anyway you can to help reveal the truth and stop the madness sweeping the country now again under and for Trump.

Thanks for stopping by.

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